Cosi Restaurant Pulls Family Photo Album. Tell Them How You Feel!
Since the first of the year, our Marriage Ambassadors and many other marriage equality supporters throughout New York have been creating and exhibiting LGBT Family Photo Albums to educate their local communities about our families. The album in Hudson Valley is 35 pages long and yesterday it was unveiled at Cosi restaurant in New Rochelle with an beautiful opening reception with almost 40 people in attendance. The Journal News, the daily newspaper in Westchester County, did a great write-up of the album and publicized the fact that Cosi would be displaying the pages. The album, which is being displayed with all 35 of its pages blown up and hung gallery-style, was scheduled to be on display for a month at Cosi.
Today, however, one of our field organizers got a call from the manager of the restaurant asking her to TAKE IT DOWN! He said that his corporate supervisors had received numerous emails complaining about it. We need to have a quick and LOUD response to this quick capitulation by Cosi corporate!
Here are 3 steps you can take RIGHT NOW to respond to this:
- Email Cosi corporate and tell them that you are upset they caved in to anti-gay family sentiments that represent a minority of those who live in Westchester County. Ask them to keep the exhibit up for the month they promised to exhibit it. If you have a Cosi near you, mention that you won’t be eating there if they allow the exhibit to be taken down!! Click here to email them.
- If you are in the Hudson Valley or New York City area, COME TO A PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW AT 11:30AM AT COSI, as we take down the exhibit. We want to make sure that we have as many people as possible to make a big statement to the press. We’ll meet in front of the Cosi at 77 Quaker Ridge Rd. New Rochelle, NY 10804 We need couples, families with children, clergy members, union members and everyone to show that there’s broad community support to keep this display up!
- If you live close to the New Rochelle restaurant, call the Cosi and let them know that you strongly support the exhibit and plan on coming to see it, and it would be terrible if it came down!! The number is: 914-637-8300
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