I went to the Plymouth art fair yesterday and everything sucked. It was all crafty crap. Middle-aged women painting people's names on stupid little signs and other ucky things.
There were only a couple booths that I really liked. One was a booth of bonsai trees. It was guarded by an old Japanese man. I was taken in. They are beautiful. Nature and humans working together to create a work of art. The jade trees were my favorite. And then the Kyoto Serissas, they grow little teeny white flowers. The form and silhouette were just beautiful on all of them. I got a little baby set of twins. They were $20. Next year, Eric and I are going to get a $50 or $60 jade tree, which I couldn't find a suitable picture of online. Bummer. I'll find one.
This is the same species as my twins.
I'll post a picture tomorrow when I take one!
The other booth I liked was a guy who did copper statues. There was one (this was on our way from the bonsai guy) and it was a cluster of four tall skinny pine trees. The ones with the little canopy things... I don't know. It was awesome. Eric and I both really liked it. He had a few of the common evergreen used in Bonsai. The one that everyone has. They were very inspiring.
Tomorrow, I blow glass. And making deal with some ceramic matter.
Rose is hopefully coming with me.
I'm really excited!