So, what's new in my life since...july? jeebus.
pliny's folks were nice enough to give us a pre-loved washer and dryer, which will our ability to do laundry limited only by our slackingness. They also donated a couch and several chairs, so finally guests gan watch tv in the living room without needing a rescue party to escape the futon in there. I felt guilty letting them haul all that stuff up the stairs without helping, but my arms were in slings at the time, so.
About that. That's a really funny story. This was about august...10th or so. I remember because the doctor's bills are all dated 8/11 which was the next day. Some of you know I bike to and from work. I cut through the howard terpenning (I always want to say 'trepanning') recreation complex, down a hill between two baseball fields, and across the parking lot. Well they were resurfacing that parking lot, and I didn't realize it until I was at the bottom of the hill, and making a turn into the parking lot at about 20 mph. In front of me, where ther ewas usally open parking lot, was a cordon just beyond the curb. I had visions of my bike stopping and myself not, so I slammed on the breaks as hard as I could instantly.
Now my bike has very good breaks. They stop that thing REALLY well and they stopped it before the cordon. However they stopped the front wheel before the back wheel, so for a good 20 seconds I was standing upright on my front wheel, trying not to fall forewards. Anyway, ass over teakettle down onto the pavement I went. I landed on my hands, then elbows, then knees, and it hurt. Also bent the right brake handle downwards by about 30 degrees. However I was able to bike home. A few hours after that though I could barely move my elbows. Went to a Dr. Moon the next day, he said there were likely small hairline cracks in the elbows that blood was leaking through. He gave me some slings, proscribed me some vicodin, and sent me on my way.
Yeah, I'm all better now. But MAN...I'm NEVER getting sick or injured in this country agian, it's WAY too expensive.
Lessee, what else is new? Oh yeah, bought myself a
new phone. In just about every respect it's a big upgrade from the one I was using. Nice to have a camera too, since I have no other camera that doesn't require an attatched computer.
Bought the new Sly Cooper game. Beat it. Murray's still tastey. Bought the new Ratchet game...beat it. Still need to unlock the extra stuff. Bought World of Warcraft, finally. 48 tauren warrior on Cenarius. lj icon to follow soon. That reminds me, I need to renew my paid account status...