first, let me get this out of the way...
I am getting more active with my facebook, so if you want me, you know where i am at.
Second. I still perfer LJ over face book because i feel more comfortable with doing LONG posts here. and besides, i can say shit and my brother cannot squeal to mommy cause i curse like a sailor(note: mom doesn't care, because she too was a sailor and she can out cuss all of us combine if she wanted too)
third. My Oldest daughter is in DEEP SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Due to the fact i had to work yesterday, i knew i was unable to make the Easter dinner. so iasked her if she would take the honor. She told she would. I even gave instruction on how to do it. SHE "DROP the BALL" by going to a friends house for an Easter party and not cook the dinner. She could have cooked it before or even after the party, but NO she just refused after i left for work.
She is now grounded from seeing her boyfriend until school year is over!!!!!!
This means no spring dance, no prom, no phone calls, no chat room, no leaving early to sneak up to his house before the bus comes, no, nada, nill zilch , nyet.
fourth...have not yet seen the Dragonball movie and probably will not be able to see it until two weeks from now due to hectic schedule. Maybe it will be at the budget theater by then.
Still not feeling well, but seem to be getting better.
peace to all of you
For Lisa: Sorry, my bad, did nopt mean to interupt you at the dog show.
For Aoi: boobies
For Lexy: Get better soon and no more hospital visits for a while.
For everyone else...BEHAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I am done