i could, today, write a very long post on my father.
Pop turns 75 today.
And you know what...i think i will write a long post about him
Dad aka Norman Walker, HMCM, USN, Retire.
He was born just outside a small village that no longer officially exist called Clifford.
This place is i just a couple of hollows away from Inez.
Those of you that have studied history of politics might remember Inez as the place were Robert Kennedy started his campaign for President in 1968.
Pop grew up in a house that did not have an indoor toilet. If he had to go pee in the middle of the night, he would go over to the window, open it up and hang it out.
Pop was the oldest of 6 kids.
His brother Ben died at around four due to diptheria.
Miller died Shortly after Pop retired from the Navy due to heart failure
Sister June died about tens years ago.
Pop Joined the navy in 1952 just out of High School
He study to become a Hospital Corpman. Now the funny thing about HM's (hospital corpman) is thatnot only do they serve with the navy, the also serve with the Marines. (Yes, those medic that are tending the marines in battle are not marines but sailors)
This means that pop did not get his first permanent sea duty ship until about 1962 (Ten year!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me less than two for me to get a ship)
Now he was ships before than. TRANSPORT SHIPS!!!!!!!!
Those ships were not cool if the seas were rough.
Pop is a big guy. He stood at his peek around 6 feet 2inches. For those who have heard nmy voice, my father is very much the same, except he is more articulate. This made him a very good candidate for Master-at-arms at the Navy Hospital in the south part of Philadelphia.
While there he saw a young female HM with unpolished shoes. Pop wrote the girl up. The girl swore she would get even with that SOB Master-at-arms. AND FOR THE LAST 48 years, mom has been getting even.(Always be careful on who you write up or put on report...you might end up marrying that person)
A couple of days before Pop and mother got married, a suprised visitor arrived. It was his future Mother-in-law and future brother-in-law. Not much happen at THIS meeting. Mom was more in shock.
It should noted now that it was shortly after words that the first time pop went to mother's family farm occured. For more info on that, please read my article back on the 15th of March
Pop's first ship was the USS Yorktown CV-10. It was stationed out of Long Beach, Ca.
Mother was pregnant at the time and she went to stay with her side of the family until after my bro was born.
My father was in Okinawa, when he got the message that he had a son. Pop passed out cigars saying "here for the future Chief of Naval Operations"
My Bro, obviously did not become CNO.
Mom finally did move to Long Beach. This is were i come into the picture.
AGAIN, dad was out at sea over in Okinawa when i was born. this time when he passed out cigars, he said " here to the future Commadant of the Marine Corp"
As you can tell, i did not join the Marines.
While on liberty overseas, pop ran out of money. He still wanted to drink. Another man was there, a chief from the Australian Navy. Dad made an agreement that for a nights worth of beer, he would pay the man, one USS YORKTOWN CV-10. He even wrote it on a napkin and had the bartender noterized it.
The NEXT DAY... pop got called into the captian's office. The captian informed pop that there was a chief from the Australian Navy demanding his ship.
The chief did laugh at dad. Dad did settle any monetary debt with the chief. The USS YORKTOWN is still in the USA, located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
Shortly after i was born a pop got back to the states, he was transfered to Colorado.
Now let me state this...my father was in the navy for over 22 years.
I was in the Navy for 6 years.
Dad was asigned to a ship for 6 years
me...4 years
In Colorado, Pop was promoted to Chief.
Now for those that are wondering about such promotion, it is rumored that the Hercules when he died, became a god. Hecules was disappointed because he thought he as going to become a chief.
After Colorado, pop was transfered to Stillwater Oklahoma.
MORE SHORE DUTY??????????????????????????????????????
So much for joining the navy and sail the seven seas.
It was here that pop took some college courses at Oklahoma State University.
It was also here, during the 60's , that across college campuses there were student protests going on against the war. The protest at Oklahoma State was going to be a kiss-in. Mom wanted to go, dad said no. Mom said dad was no fun.
Dad Was transfered to Virginia Beach. MORE SHORE DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally he was given another ship...USS FREEMONT AFS-44
It was on the ship that he went to the middle east.
He transfered again to USS Kennedy CV-67. It was also this time he became a Master Chief.
THAT"S RIGHT you video gamers, My dad is a master chief!
Pop developed ulcers and had to spend some time in the hospital for this. He finally got transfered to his last duty station, The Navy Hospital in Great Lakes, Illinois. He was Master Chief of Command. TOP THAT VIDEO GAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pop was offered a chance to become Master Chief of the Navy, but he had enough by then.
He packed up the family and moved back into the hills of Eastern Kentucky.
He took on several jobs: Selling chemicals, teaching business, some construction, etc.
He loved the outdoors.
He took the family camping many times.
One summer, we went to mother's family farm. Dad was just clearing some old debris lying around. He turned over one pipe and a swarm of Yellow Jackets came out.
I have never seen him run so fast before.
He went into the garage, and next thing i knew, he came out with diesel fuel torch and he threw it at the hive of those yellow jackets.
every now and then, a groundhog would appear and dig holes into the area around the barn. Pop said it was a good time to do some targetr pratice. He would shoot the ground hogs. however in one instance, before the gorundhog died, grandma's dog went over to the groundhog, sniffed it, turned around and farted on the critter. Pop was not sure if it was him that killed the groundhog or the dog.
Again, at the farm, it was deer hunting season...
Pop knew there was big buck on the land. After a night out with mom, pop went to grab his shotgun. He was bound and determine to get that buck.
Pop went up and down the land that evening.
What got him mad was as he was heading back to the house, he saw his fresh boot tracks. On top of the those tracks were..you guessed it...fresh deer tracks. We figure that the buck was following dad in a comical manner.
In 1980, we got a dog. A dalmation, that mother named him Sailor.
My job was, of course, to clean up after the poopy dawg.
One time, on top of the hill in the back yard, there was a cat. Sailor saw that cat and he went nuts. He was just barking away at that cat and wanted to go outside and get it. Pop told him that was a bad idea.
Pop finally gave in and opend up the back door.
Sailor charged outside toward the cat barking and snarling.
When Sailor got within 20 yards of the cat, the cat just said "phffft"
Sailor immediatly turned around crying all the way back to the house.
Pop just looked at the dog and said "Sailor, liberty is secured for you, dumb mutt."
A couple of years later, on X-mas eve day. Sailor got hit by a truck. Pop tried to get someone to legally "take care" of the dog. No one would do it, so pop got out the shotgun.
Mother and Father were very heartbroken. This was pop's buddy. The dog would also sit with mom and eat a bowl of popcorn with her. It took almost ten years before mom could eat popcorn.
To this day, i am very hesitant to get a pet.
A year after i graduated from high school, dad determined it was time for another move.
Before moving and while i was preparing for my trip to Navy Boot Camp, dad decided to have a yard sale.
The day before i was to leave the house, my father sold my bed. He got $20 for it.
He could not wait one more day.
That was a sign that it was time for me to leave the nest.
My finale night, the neighbors kitten climbed into our living room and decided to go to bed on my face. Dad's reaction was "It is every sailor's dream to wake up with pussy on the face"
Mom hit dad for that comment.
After i joined the Navy, Dad and mom moved to Florida. For a while he sold used cars, then he worked as a maintence man for the apartment complex he lived.
He then got involved with the American Legion along with mother.
After i got out of the Navy, i was married and the wife and I move down to Florida to be by him and mom.
Dad always seem to have a good time whenever his grandaughters were around him.
He now lives in South Carolina along with Mom. He has slowed down, but does his best to stay active.
He no longer smokes
He rarely drinks
He still cusses. (The man needs fun)
Last year, during a visit up here, i took him to my union council headquarters. I introduce him to those people working on the poresidential campaigns. He gave one of his "Patton" speeches to them. He then finally told them, "i was Democrat raised and Democrat bred, and when i die I'm Democrat dead."
Pop never really did get a complete formal collage education, however..
He is a philospoher. He can quote the great philosophers
He is nogstic: He can quote bible passages without aid and great works of religion.
He is political
He is a teacher
He is a student
He is a progressive
he is a techno geek
He is a leader
he is an adviser
He is a follower
He is a bookkeeper
He is much more...
but lastly he is my father
Happy 75th Birthday Norman Walker