(The 3 hour meme) 25 Nuggets About Me

Sep 29, 2010 03:15

So, here goes . . . .

1. When I was a lil kid, I thought that I was only going to live to be 28 years old.  It seemed so old to me back then!  Yet as an adult on the last night of my 27th year, that lil nagging thought did rise up again and for a few moments I felt little and trepidacious of the upcoming year that I would be 28 years old.

2. My breakup from my last person I was locally involved with crushed me.  He gave me a glimmer of my hope of hopes; to find some who dug on all of the sides of me, who appreciated them all even if he didn't understand it all.  Someone who also rocked my socks off with he wrapped his arms around me.  Now, I *KNOW* he wasn't the right person.  Yet, I now worry that I "missed the bus" and will live my life alone.

3.  I love watching Golden Girls.  The comedic timing is brilliant.  It's also the mother of Sex In The City. Blanch is an obvious Samantha.  The level headed, quick witted Dorothy is Carrie.  The naive Rose mirrors Charlotte's old world morals and beliefs in a world gone by.  Ahh... and the last two the sharp tongued cynics, Sophia and Miranda.  Miami, New York.  The laughter, the touching moments.

4. I still giggle behind my helmet every time I go out riding.  My motorcycle is the first thing in a long time that has made me feel alive.  I makes me forget that my life has only been revolving around my job.  Hell, it even makes riding to work seem fun!

5. If I won the lottery, I would want to quit my job and go back to tech school to learn how to work around engines.  They confound me at the same time I am fascinated with the fact that they're all living sculptures.  I would want to be inspired by master fabricators, learn how to go from the mechanical ability of Dr Frankenstein to that of a precise surgeon.

6. I can hear the fear of the unknown in my father's voice when he talks to me on the phone.  I am lucky that he loves me but it saddens me that he doesn't "get" me.  It's moments that this that make me feel a flicker of regret that I transitioned, but they're soon followed by sanity that reminds me that my regret is not that I transitioned, but that this journey that brought me joy sometimes brought sadness to those whom I love.  I wouldn't do anything different but I still feel bad sometimes

7. My favorite Christmas years were the ones that my two younger sisters still believed in Santa Claus.  I felt smart enough to understand that he doesn't exist, but those were also the years that my mom let me help bring the presents from Santa Claus down from the attic and I could pretend to be Santa for my sisters.  I'd rearrange the presents so that presents for everyone around the whole tree, evenly spaced apart so neither of them would not have something to open.  After that, I'd take bites out of the cookies and drink some milk.  The look on their faces in the morning, their belief, their joy has forever be imprinted on my brain.  I will never have kids so that was the only time I'll be Santa.

8. I am not a choco-holic.  I would much rather munch on Skittles.  My friend Amie knows this and once brought me this HUGE bag of them to a party I was hosting.  I put them in a bowl for everyone to munch on.  Mid party, I bent down to pet my dog and quickly noticed that she had this strong whiff of Skittle-breath.  I had put the bowl down too low and within her reach.  Apparently, I was not the only one in the family who liked Skittles!

9. I miss having a dog badly.  I miss coming home to someone who's just dying to see me at the end of my day (even if that someone had 4 legs).  I used to want a gorgeous and unique gray lab, but I have been enamored with the goofy ugliness of a British Bulldog lately.

10. I sometimes fantasize about running away but never have the courage to do it from fear that I never know where I'd end up

11. I grew up with a pool but rarely swam at night because I could always hear the Jaws theme in my head before diving in.

12.  I have calcified blood in my left hip from being struck by a pickup truck on my bicycle when I was 9 years old when I was a dolt and cut in front of it's path.  It is also the reason for the gray streak in my beard from the road rash I got sliding across the pavement.  This is 90% why I wear a full faced helmet when I ride my motorcycle.  As much as I like symmetry and think gray on both sides is sexy, I still remember who much it hurt to heal way back then.

13. I no longer like my job, but I don't know what else to do

14. I no longer have any single male friends locally.  They're either paired up of have moved away and I miss the camaradarie

15. I am more comfortable in work boots than I am in sneakers

16. I was never pretty, but grew to become handsome.  I still don't know how to deal with that.

17. I never wanted kids.  When I was 14 and was told that I wouldn't have kids, I never got upset.  This world is too f***ed up to bring innocents into it.  I would constantly fail to keep them safe.  That would break my heart.  So, my decision to have no kids is more of a self preservation than prevention of innocent minds.

18. I will only eat a banana when my body is craving potassium.  When I do, I always think of my best friend's hate of them and how she pronounces it as "Bah-nah-naaaah"

19. I have not bought myself a new cologne in YEARS.  I still have a fondness for old school Drakar and also Fahrenheit

20. I need to start holiday shopping now so that I don't go for broke during December like I usually do.

21. I don't like strawberry ice cream, at all.  Coffee ice cream is the BEST!

22. My biggest pet peeves of winter are constant cold toes and driving in the snow

23. I think that all religions are the same and boil down to "be nice"... faith is a beautiful thing, but humans are mad with the lust of power and use religion as a means of control.

24. Belly rubs could war in my world.  Try it, you might like it.

25. This meme took me a few hours to write
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