I know that he wouldn't want me to cry, but I am

Jan 31, 2010 02:18

He was this gruff, beautiful man.  Quick to protect those who m he loved and cherished, a fan of the underdog.  He was gravely and growly.  He actually LIVED through stonewall.  Not like myself who has only read the accounts.  He was history in the making.
He was sexy.  He was thoughtful.  He was revolutionary.  He loved me for exactly who and what I am.

"We don't need a lifetime to figure out that someone is special and you are very special. Thanks for your time, your words and memories they are very special to me  HUGS B "

Alas, he has passed on.

In honor if my friend Bruce, please tell someone that you love them.  Hug them, squeeze them.  Honor them. Cherish them.
He would have like that.
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