JeeZus Christ! PCHS can go kiSS my Ass!

Sep 15, 2003 01:11

OMG ii seriously cant stand the pple there anymor! ii jus need out! .. sum1 seriously save me!!
... more on the story later .. wen im not so0o craZii. xoxo-MeLzZ

okk so0o im bak 2 xplain now!

yeaa so0o friggen biLLy's madd at me as usuaL! .. (for wat?? .. absolutely NOTHING!), then Mike Caps gets madd at me! .. im lyk WTF?? y is caps getting madd at me?? (and then it hits me! o0oh yeaa they're best friends! of course mike wud get madd at me if biLLy's madd at me!) **thatz so0o pathetic** Yeaaa .. and Lenny, who ii def considered 1 of my beSt friends def jus let his "girlfriend" talk madd shit about me at fucKKing saturday's band practice!!! .. lyk ii mean seriously! She's running her mouth about me and he's standing RYT THERE and do yew think he sticks up 4 me once??? NO!! and the best part is he duznt even teLL me about this littLe incident .. sum1 else duz! and wen ii bring it up he gives me the gayyest line ever -- (("weLL ii tried 2 stick up 4 yew .. but wen ii do Steph gets madd at me and ii cant hav the person ii love madd at me")) ::GaGzZ:: that was such buLLshit! okk so0o 1st aLL they dont even go out .. but yet she duz EVERYTHING 4 her! ii mean he wud lick the mudd off her shoe if he asked her! meanwhile she duznt even want him! with her "Lenny ii love yew" buLLshit! If yew reaLLy fucKKing love him then stop rejecting him wen he asks yew out yew dumb fucKK! ii mean he needs 2 realize that she's so0o fucKKing with his head! .. anywayz bak 2 my story ... okk s0o yeaa steph talking about me completely took me off gaurd, kuz lyk she's been so0o fucKKing nice 2 me lately! ii mean we patched shit up and we were "friends," lyk seriously where the fucKK did that kom from?? ii mean ii wud understand her hating me if ii had done sumthing 2 her .. but ii havent done a thing! ii dont even talk about her! ((other than ryt now)) .. ii used 2 think she was the nicest girl ever. but w/e ii guess ii was so0o rong about her! okk and then 2 top it aLL off .. the icing on the cake was this kid Charles caLLing me a rich bitch! "He was aLL lyk im sorry PCHS isnt the rich, fancy, white skool that yew're used 2" im aLL lyk where did that kom from?? and lyk the only reason he sed it is kuz my away message simply sed "PCHS .. i've got 2 get out of that heLLhole" .. ii mean im entitled 2 my damn opinion! ... ughhhh! its such a conspiracy .. its lyk every1 is out 2 get me .. but w/e. Im so0o over this buLLshit, ii cant wait tiLL ii jus get up and go, or tiL ii start treating pple lyk the shit they r, and then they stop FUCKKING WITH ME -xoxo MeLzZ
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