Oct 07, 2003 23:06
o0k .. so0o kiNda buMMed out .. ii waSs g0nna g0 2 GHS 2day .. but theN aLLie caLLz me nD teLLs me she'S sick .. so0o n0t 2 g0. So0 ii eNd up n0t g0in. Had 2 b thE m0st b0riNg daY eveR. but theN at lyK 3:30 MiGueL asKed me if ii waNted 2 g0 hav iCe-creaM with him .. nD ii was lyk awww! sure!! .. l0L then we get there nD creaM & sugar is cl0sed .. so0o we waLk d0wn 2 the chocolaTte shoppe. L0l he insisted 0n paYying .. but he shudnt hav .. thanxs miGuel yUR so0o swEEt!!! .. fr0m theRe we went 2 Finch's 2 g0 b0ther Stacy nD my l0ve Christian ((haha)). L0l we speNt lyk a g00d h0ur there nD ii g0t 2 seE mrs. GonZaLez .. ((l0L she l0ves me!!)) .. but it waSs reaLLy g00d 2 see her. Fr0m theRe ii went h0me .. nD then ii heaRd ab0ut aLL these lyk "SnipeR attaCks agaiNst PC & haRRis0n" ... haha thats sum scary shit ryt thuRR ((l0L LanA)). nD aLL the liL kiDds wEre 0n l0cK d0wn .. but yeaA stiLL deCidiNg wethEr ii waNNa g0 2 sk00L or n0t 2m0rr0w ... x0x0- LiL miSSy