Ahaha best lunch ever!

Sep 30, 2003 19:11

lol okk so0 we're lyk at lunch and w/e .. and then lyk me and miguel r lyk gonna put everything on "smackdown" lol. So0 yeaa .. lol we go outside and lyk start "wrestling" each other .. and we aLL kno ii can kick his ass! haha, so0o yeaa anywayz .. we're lyk attacking each other, wen out of no where he lyk bear hugs me and then the nex thing ii kno is im on the fl00r lol. Yeaa but then he picks me up and he starts caRRying around bak and foRth & bak and foRth .. hah, so0o yeaa then once i'm finaLLy bak on the ground .. ii resume kicking and slapping him, lol and then im bak in the air! xcept this tyme .. i'm lyk unable 2 fight bakk .. lol and by now of course EVERY1 is staring lol, kuz we've been at it 4 a good solid 20mins, so0 yeaa .. and then okk we're done ... haha yea! ryt! .. lol then the kicking and the punching and the screaming kom 2 a stop .. and lol ii get a piggy bakk ride aLL the wayy to the other side of the friGGen "courtyard??" and then ii got 1 baKk! yay me!!.. hahaha .. but w/e aLL in aLL it was lyk the FuNNest lunch EVER!!! haha, lol i've never laufed so0o hard in my lyf .. lol migueL yewr my hero! haha. x0x0- MeLzZ
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