yeaa .. not any better!

Sep 17, 2003 16:39

aha .. so0o okk haha last nyt Ford caLLz me!! eeks! so0o happy!! i've missed yew sweety! .. but anywayz, it was so0o ackward lol, but so0o lyk comforting jus 2 hear him. Its so0o amazing 2 hav a best friend lyk him. He's jus my love. AND lol, he actuaLLy showers everyday now!! HAHAH babe im so0o proud of yew!! ((Getting up at 6:15 must b a challange, lol)), but yeaa that was great, im so0o glad we're talking again.

so0o here we go on with THE PCHS DRAMA ... wen wiLL it ever end??

so0o yew kno im being civil today. But that duznt mean im out looking 2 make friends. ii officiaLLy dont trust any1. Kindness wiLL only get yew so0 faRR in lyf. But yeaa ii was stiLL "nice" .. but ii kno 4 a fact ii wasnt as friendly as ii usuaLLy am. But anywayz .. ii hadnt talked 2 biLLy aLL day .. so0 lyk since we aLL had "frees" during out math blocks 2day, ii figure "lemme see wat he's doing??" so0 ii IM him and im aLL lyk "do yew hav a free?" and he's lyk im in lunch. So0 im aLL lyk "kom 2 the aud" ... then lyk 5mins later hes lyk "im in the aud" so0o ii look 4 him and wat not. & ii spot him and ii he lyk smiles so0o ii motion 4 him 2 kom over and... he jus gives me the finger! im lyk w/e!! but yeaa being the dumbass that ii am, ii walk over 2 him and start casual convo and yew kno we get 2 talking and hes being his usual rude self but ii decide not 2 take it so0 seriously. And then w/e Bruce brings up the fact that ii myt b transferring and biLLy's aLL lyk "No yewr not" and i'm lyk "actuaLLy ii myt ... rnt yew gonna miss me?" and he's lyk "NO" and im lyk "wat'd yew say??" and hes lyk "ii sed i'd miss yew" and im lyk o0okk w/e. So then lyk yeaa we're talking and ii take his fone from him, and im playing with his fone, and then yew kno... then aLL of sudden he jus gets heated and hes aLL lyk "giving me my fucKKing fone ii gotta go" .. and im aLL lyk "b nice ... stop being mean" and he's aLL lyk "fine. giv me my fucKKing fone please" and im lyk ughh w/e .. and lyk ii shoved bak at him and jus walked away.Then he has the audacity 2 IM me and b lyk "ii dont deal with that, wen ii say ii gotta go- ii gotta go, ii dont play around" .. so0o im aLL lyk "go fucKK yewrself" and he's lyk "im serious" ... and im lyk "watever biLLy, ii dont want anything 2 do with yew anymor" and then he types bak "WTF? ii did nothing, ii fucKKing told yew ii had 2 go and yew wudnt listen" .. so0o the last thing that was sed by me was "watever im so0o over this." And lyk its tru .. im over this, im over him, and im over us being "friends." Lyk wat the fucKK?? Friends dont treat each other lyk that! .. yew dont say high by giving me the finger buddy. I deserve sum respect, esp if yew want me respecting yew. And w/e ii dont even talk 2 mike anymor. Lenny, ughh we've stiLL got our issues, not as badd as b4, we've sumwat resolved them, but w/e its def not the same anymor. and Steph .. weLL ii went up 2 her 2 day and we talked .. ii didnt quite get an "im sorry" but thatz okk, kuz ii wasnt xpecting one anyway. At least ii sed wat ii had 2 say. And ii mean im stiLL wiLLing 2 b nice 2 her or w/e, but im not gonna make her b my friend ... if she duznt wanna b nice 2 me thatz fine, if she duznt wanna b my friend thats fine 2, ii mean its not lyk its gonna kiLL me, but that wiLL not giv her the ryt 2 go talk about me anymor. so0o yeaa the end 2 another not-so-perfect dayy .. ta-ta 4 now!! mor later wen ii find sumthing else 2 bitch about!! haha. xoxo- MeLzZ
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