Dec 25, 2003 20:31
heyy guys! Merry Christmas! .. h0pe y0uu guySs g0t every y0uu wanted thiSs year.
aLL ii wanted waSs y0uuu .. t0 baDd ii didn*t get 2 haV y0uu
... oMG so0o w0rSt chRistmaS eve .. eVer?! ... heLL yaaa. 0mG, aLySsa hav ii ever crieD that muCh? ... Lyk h0nestLy ii hate ChristmaS. nD iMm s0wwie, ii d0nt mean t0 b a grinch but it*Ss juSs such a shitty day .. it*Ss lyk ii seD .. "it*Ss juSs an0ther day, y0uu wait so0o l0ng 4 it 2 k0m, but 0nce it*Ss here, in the bLink 0f an eye it*Ss g0ne"
... ii spent x-maS eve aL0ne thiSs year .. nD ii gueSs it waSs 0kay .. haha mEe nD aLySsa g0t mEe chineSe f00d 4 diNNer!! .. it waSs so0o0o aMaZingLy g00d ((but then again, everything iSs g00d wen y0uuR staRvin haha))
aLySsa, thaNxs 4 bein there 4 mEe the wh0Le nyt .. y0uuR h0nestLy thE besTest friEnD in the w0rLd ... y0u*Re suCh a great perS0n, ii L0ve ya 4 aLL the adVice, 4 c0ns0Ling mEe, nD 4 juSs aLways bein theRe wen ii neeDed ya. Y0u*re juSs such an aMazing pers0n .. 0MG thanXs so0o muCh 4 feeding mEe Last nyt 2!! Y0u nD "aLf0ns0" r greaT L0L. juSs kn0 that i*LL aLways be heRe 4 y0uuu, Lyk y0u*ve been heRe 4 mEe .. thaNxs huN so0o muCH 4 eveRything. x0x miMi