yep how fun is pukein!

Apr 10, 2003 00:29

ugh! i hate being sick, i woke up this morning and complete butt is all i felt
seriously.. it was fucking gross!
i totaly hate being sick. i was doing good for a while not really getting sick.
then UGH! bam hit me hard
i still feel like fucking shit but alot better then this morning.
yet im a stubborn ass and dont take medicine or see doctors when im sick.
i just lay in bed and rott
i was supposed to get shit done today and did i?
i woke up... sed bye to tommie. and attempted to get dressed to go to andover. and picked out my clothes and fucking declaired war on my body and told myself i was going to do this.
and ... i lost
like 4 mins into getting dressed i got whicked sickening fucking dizzy spells from standing up and then ended up hugging the porcelin seconds afterwards

...shit was no good
so i got back in muh sleep cllothes and didnt move for thr rest of the day.
kelly gave me some tums and that werked..... RIGHT IT WERKED.
nothing like dry heaving lill chalkey tablets of tums.

then i heaved and heaved and heaved sum more.
i swore to god my stomach was gunna come out my throat

the dizzyness went away and i went and laid down again and BAM!
hello mister toilet water in front of my face.
started heaving again
all flem and mucous. but still it was nasty
i felt like complete sshit!
from my ears to my nose to my stomach even my muscles were fucking sore.

i HATE beign sick
then the most horrendous stomach pain came and all i wanted to do was go back to sleep. so i hate 1 more tum and started rolling around my bed trying to find a position were pain wasnt involved... DIDNT HAPPEN
then i finally stacked pillows and laid stomach down on them and then i woke up like 5 hrs later
feeling alot better but still like ass.

so i basically spent the day pukeing cramping and watching ice age 3 times and monsters inc 2wce.

tomorrow i gotta promote after pheonix in boston. and before that as soon as i wake up wether i need to bring a puke bag or not with me im goin to breuggers.
then hav to go to cape.
...but stopping by jakes first
then friday i gotta go to maine at night time and pick up eric. and then cruise back to landsdown st after axis and do flyers there too with eric.
and bery soon i gotta do packets of foam club may flowers and knowledge post cards
weeeeeeee i love packets.

ima get going now... make up the packets and then hit the sack.

nite nite everyone
bryen see yew tomorrow
call me on muh cell

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