Mar 27, 2005 16:49
Well... The Parental Units have been bugging me into doing Running Start... And since they won't shut the fuck up... I told them I would... I told my Mom to come talk to my counselor with me, and I'd change my schedule so I could do it...
Well now they won't shut the fuck up... I was TRYING to eat dinner, talking with all the family... And Danielle brought up her grades... So my Mom starts getting on my ass about how much better my cousins are than me... Because they actually do stuff to try and achieve...
WHAT THE FUCK IS HER PROBLEM!?! I got into the second best dance school in the country... With a HUGE scholarship... And she doesn't even give a shit!!! She said I'm probably not even going... And that if she decides she doesn't want me to go, then I have to work my ass off to pay off the $500 she already sent in...
Why can't they just be happy with what I do?!? I think it's a Hell of a lot more than most other kids...