Nov 12, 2005 17:05
This past year has been pretty much hell for me...
well it sorta started like over two years ago but i wont go back that far...basically what it is is i had met the boy of my life.. my soul mate, the one who i wanted to spend the rest of my life with... i was 16 and he was 15, its funny cuz we actually talked for 6 months online and we only lived 5 minutes away from eachother.. then we met.. it was the best relationships, that had to end badly after two years... and we were also engaged, i was 18 and he was 17, he was still the love of my life... and yet he disappeared on me,, then i found out he was cheating on me with my best friend and another guy twice his age.. he then stole 2000$ from me, all my clothes, and stuck me with a 500$ cell phone bill... this was the downstart of a long shitty past year....
During this time i was working 3 jobs and all of that ended, i quit from two becuase of discrimination, and then i got fired from one cuz i was gay so i got the mananger fired... but either way after that my car broke down on the freeway... then to make it worse, on christmas i was gonna propose to my ex again (we broke up in november) and i had bought a ring (that i took back) but i was still sad cuz i was alone on christmas and all my step-dad did was yell at me still i wanted to just crawl in a hole n die...
3 weeks earlier (before christmas) i had gone to the hospital cuz i had cut my wrist, it wasnt even deep, its just my friend was worried for me so she called the police and they make u go to the hospital to do all kinds of tests on you... my mom was in shock cuz she didnt think i would ever do it... little does she know i have actually had probably over 7 attempts that no one knows about...
--side note--
the reason for the 7 attempts were mainly cuz my step dad was a abusive drunk so i was hit alot when i was younger, and all my friends screwed me over, and the hole hiding your life for 17 years sort had got at me...
--end side note--
anyways where was i, oh yea so yea christmas sucked... so
now it was a new year i thought hey things could get better... but no they were just gonna get worse... i got a nother job, lost that one two when my manager found out i was gay... though she would blame it on (im not doing up to thier standards) which was bull cuz im the hardest worker...
my birthday sucked.. all my friends blew me off when i had 30 of them on a guest list for a club....oh
--side note--
yes im a club kid, i have been clubbing for 3 years, get in all teh clubs for freee etc etc
--end side note
but yea so they all blue me off, then when i was driving home, a car was tail gating me so i sped up to 75 it was a cop he pulled me over gave me a ticket saying i was going 90 (i was dressed up and he was discusted because of it, he was very rude) i asked for his badge number and stuff cuz he was lying about the speed and stuff, all he did was hand me the ticket and say "happy birthday"
so go happy birthday for me... suckage
then we had a good month nothing really happened...
then we have the bad months.. my step dad got drunk one night... when i was depressed one night keeping to my self he slammed me against a wall and hit me in the face.....
my mom decided that she was gonna get a divorce from him... i was rooting for her ya know like "go mom", little did i know she then turned around and blamed me, she kicked me out of the house and changed all the locks...
wat am i suppose to do i thought to myself..
i went and stayed with a friend for a little, then started house hopping trying to get a job, my best friends lived in l.a. so when i got up there i tried to stay with them, little did i know they were also in my sitution...
this is when i learned the trade of "turning tricks"
i always hated it, walking the streets at night trying to get picked up to do wat god knows wat ot make some money to stay in a hotel and get something to eat...
luckyily i always got picked up by either hott hott guys, or guys that felt sorry for me and just gave me money without having to do anything,
i have only been picked up like 5 or 6 times in my life thankfully...
it was an experience that i try to shut out of my life
it was hard though, not eating for 4 days at a time and sleeping in your car everynight while u have a broken rib....
now my life is startin to get better, im staying with my friend jenni in her home, her family is wonderful, and im gona get a job so i can pay rent and stuff... oh and im talkin to this adorable boy justin, he has like everything in common with me.. my only worry is that he isnt out to his parents yet, and he is still a minor, but im hoping things will work out...
well guys that i guess is a short version of an introduction about me...
thanks if u read it all