Finals are over, break time is here. Things I need to do include officially let the Art Institute that I'm out, and get a job. Fingers crossed for Barnes & Noble or some other bookstore.
I am currently watching Charlie Bartlett with the actor's commentary (Anton Yelchin and Kat Dennings + director whose name escapes me), and it is. so cute. Anton and Kat being BFF warms my wee heart. THOUGH it was a little jarring when Anton mentioned his grad night party, which occurred a mere year before my own. He is older than me by a year but I still feel like a pedo for enjoying the aesthetics of his form - mostly because he is the first age appropriate celebrity crush I've had in...ever, I think. Gone are the days of lusting after 50 year olds!
For now.
Ugh christ I can't remember anything about how to log into my school website account thing. I must do this. I must! So the school will stop asking me for money.