Sep 25, 2005 02:01
i thought i would do an experiment and just start writing with no particular idea in mind. pablo is climbing around the furniture behind me. he and the other cat got in an argument. the other cat is sassy, a little black cat, leaps like a daredevil badass and beautiful. she's one year old and has had two litters of cats. they still have them, as a 'green' way of pest control, favoring them over rats or their traps. they are opening up a pottery in the midst of an old factory. smartist. smart artist. entreprenuer, down from buffalo new york where they know about rottingindustrialbergs (as i have). those in my family are mostly cityists, they can naught but live in a place with a population under 4 million for a city. a city state. ah but what if we could all be autonomous. it would be like people imagine the constitutional idea of what are country is. fuck facts we got memes. they are better. we got some roman memes, dice games and short haircuts. the nazis stole ceasar (kaiser) and his salute. they saw the straight roads, the white marble, the supposedly white skin and made up the nazis. europeans, searching to understand their own narcissism, came to see that there was an indo-european language family, got all elitist offa sanskrit like a drug you have to huff out of a bag. and from all this came roman memes, which we now ourselves share. there is no truth there are only shifting framing strategies. thought is icing. thought is wind. thought is shit. thought is thought. thought tis thgouht. we fear not.
not much of an audience for it i suppose. but i'm reading 'the book of jerry falwell' and i'm digging what she was saying (from the little i've read thusfar). she's digging on speech. like people talk about conversion, religious conversion in general and born-again conversion pin specific, by other means. she said: william james (famous for the 'psychology of religion' classic "varieties of religious experience" {emphasis on the 'experience'}
in my class i said 'nichiren was the martin luther of japanese buddhism' and they got the joke. all religious studies people now are all edgy and making fun of religious studies people then for what the new ones, with uncharitable readings, call reductionistic, totalizing, and other such trough-swilling swinery. like all things are the same and there is no reality out there, just shooting lazers through ether and slidefucking the laws of physics themselves. you dig?
my idea is to write a thesis in twelve levels. i intend to follow the meme of zen as it is found from breakfast cereals to middle aged white people with quakerlike agendas. my idea is to analyze how asian memes fit into the "new south" and it's memepool, and how that falls out to meaning things for people within those memepools, facing change. how are world economics effecting the local memepool, when movies are distributed all over the world, when a hot chinese actress plays in a star wars movie (see: joseph campbell, et al) suddenly ends up in playboy (see: hugh hefner, frank sinatra, larry flynt) in the land that still gives a whole lot of thought to events that centered around the action found between the years 1861 and 1865. it's time for an update or two. what do these fictions of nationality come to mean for us, us all, it's victims?
we are information miners. we find things, we create fictions by what we amass. we can make amazing force pressing down upon society with just the dissemination of ideas. we need not even be able to speak. an internet prophet who has no physical capacities aside from twitching one muscle on his iv'd body. what would he tell us from beyond the veil of the four and nine tenth-sensed world? johnny get your gun?