Dec 16, 2004 16:30
Today is my first day off since last Wednesday, and so finally a chance to update. Work is really busy everyday and fortunately most people are euphoric enough with the holiday cheer not to scream at me... 'Would you like a box and a gift receipt with that?'
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Sadly, my car is now in the shop until Tuesday because Heather ran over it. No really, she ran it over. Backing out of the garage. It's not that bad at all though, I mean considering the running over.
♥ ♥ ♥
I've been catching up on some movies and fallen in love with Gwen's solo cd. Listening to the radio is still a little weird. I thought that I would be so excited to 're-experience' things here, but after the first day that excitement faded. I guess you just realize that things are exactly the same as you left them, and they're not really new or special just because you don't see them for awhile. Things, life, surroundings are still familiar. Familiar isn't bad though. Catching up with some friends, avoiding others; blending in; a big, big bed.