(no subject)

Dec 12, 2006 04:34

Player Information
Name: Gabby
LJ Username: butterflyvision
'Hogwarts is Home' House: (if applicable) Ravenclaw
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address):
AIM: GabBaka
MSN/Email: saucylittleminx[at]gmail[dot]com

Character Information
Name: Phoebe Aurora Hamilton
LJ Username: (if available) boho_pheebs
House: Hufflepuff!
Age: 17
Birthdate: 2-20-88

Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.

Aquarians who are sorted into House Hufflepuff are introverted, but not shy; march to the beat of a different drummer, but don't wear their weirdness like a flag; socially minded, but highly critical of society. Confused? So are the Hufflepuff Aquarians, but they tend to sort things out eventually. Their minds lean toward the practical side of things - they'd rather invent new and useful spells or gadgets than dwell for hours in hot air theory - and the solutions they find to common problems are brilliantly on target. They like people and want to get along well with everybody, but are uncomfortable with intimacy; so they have lots of acquaintances but few close friends. They have the ability to laugh at most any situation.
Year: 7th
Bloodline: (Half, Pure, Muggle) Halfblood-- her mother comes from a halfblood family and her father is a Muggleborn.
Heritage: (Scottish, Irish, etc) English

Personal History:

Phoebe's parents, Donald and Marie (both coming from Liverpool), were both hippies (they were born and raised in England, but lived in America for a bit) -- hence Phoebe's name. Because, really naming their little girl after the moon goddess and an event in the night sky is hardly normal. They have a very... interesting outlook on life, often moving around from place to place, so Phoebe's has visited many, many cities (and countries) in her short life. They go wherever they feel a calling, or wherever they feel they could be of help.

It helps that Marie's parents left a very, very large inheritance to their daughter when they passed. The Hamiltons don't use the money to live lavishly, though. They use it to travel and so they can live a middle class lifestyle and afford to live in a socially responsible manner (organic foods, Fair Trade products, etc.) without having to worry.

After a while, Donald and Marie finally moved back to London and settled down to start a family. They had two children, a son, and a few years later, a little girl-- Phoebe. If they were a little more normal, they might have been the pictureseque lifestyle. But, alas, they're far from it.

With the kind of upbringing she had, Phoebe could have gone one of two ways: rebelling and lashing out, or accepting it and growing up into a lifestyle that her parents supported. Phoebe chose the latter. She's very socially responsible and environmentally conscious, a very green kind of living. She doesn't force this on anyone at all, mind. She's not some rabid PETA member, willing to throw blood onto people's fur, or preach about how wrong they are. No, she just takes things as they are and lives the best that she can.

She doesn’t really show her wealth all that much, settling for more ‘classic’ things that run a bit cheaper and stand out more from her schoolmates. She’s always been the friendly and social sort, though not always studious, and she’s a huge fan of Quidditch. Phoebe doesn’t hold any special positions in school, but she doesn’t fret over that sort of thing.

Her bloodline’s not completely pure, but it’s not the sort of topic she confirms or denies. Really, she just lets people think whatever. It’s easier than actually talking about it. Bloodlines are one of the least important things in the world to her-- she'd rather make others aware of, and think about, more important social and enviormental issues. Forcing issues on people? Nah. Sometimes informing? Sure!

Unfortunately, Phoebe's optimism has been known to lead her into careless behavior. She's not the sort of person to make one simple choice and then settle down. Thankfully, her powerful will is up to the many responsibilities she takes on, and her natural extroversion will always keep her in the thick of things.

At school, she expected to be a Gryff. Bold? Passionate? Both Gryff traits, right? Turned out the hat saw her more fit for Hufflepuff, but she never complained. She likes her house! She also does surprisingly well in her classes--particularly, Charms, and when she was able to take them, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. She loves learning and creating things, so classes for her? Tend to be fun, that pesky Transfiguration aside.

Because she wanted to try new things, Phoebe ended up trying out for her house Quidditch team. She didn't initially make it, but that only made the girl push herself harder, practicing more until she had a chance to join the team. She even convinced her parents to buy her a broom and, despite their personal opposition, they felt that they should let their daughter do what she feels is best, so they relented.


Phoebe is a spontaneous and free-spirited sort of person. She is a romantic and a dreamer with a vivid imagination. She'll try anything once, twice if she had a good time-- Her motto is: "Don't complain, never explain." She trusts herself-- always has and always will. She’s got an outgoing and friendly personality and is definitely the sort of person who will walk up to a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation.

Phoebe is adventurous, curious, funny, proud and completely confident and able the best out of any situation, no matter how bad or hopeless it may seem. She is a true original, one of a kind, and happy to stay that way. It's not that she marches to the beat of a different drummer, oh no, she's dancing to an entirely different band.

Unlike most upper class girls, with their refined sensibilities, Phoebe is more down to earth and easy going. She shops at thrift stores and is generally care free and relaxed. She’s certainly not an outcast in the sense of Luna Lovegood-- she doesn’t go out of her way to stand out or be different, but she doesn’t conform either. She’s got her own unique and personal sense of style and she adores it. She is, however, a bit spacey and out there from time to time, so unless you're used to her actions and thought processes, she might come off as being very strange and head-in-the-clouds to another person.

Most teenage girls at Hogwarts are in relationships, have relationships that are budding or… whatever. While Phoebe’s certainly not against this sort of thing, it’s not her. Far too flighty and impulsive to be tied down by an actual serious relationship, Phoebe has a tendency to avoid the subject or idea, thinking that they would just tie her down or hold her back. At the moment, she's far more interested in her work and causes than she is dating, unless someone special comes along and convinces her that they're worth that time and effort.

On a less pleasant side, she’s as stubborn as they come. Nothing can really make her change her mind, and once her opinion is set on a person or thing, it takes quite a bit to convince her otherwise. And while she’s friendly, kind, and a good friend? She remains a bit detached from just about everyone in order to keep from being hurt. Yes, this includes best friends, for whatever reason. She won't let anyone COMPLETELY in, but there are people who are pretty awflly close to that.

It's a bit surprising that someone like her would end up in Hufflepuff, as opposed to Gryffindor. Sure, if you interact with her, she comes off as being every bit a Gryff (and she easily could have been one). But, in actuality, she's insanely loyal to those she is close to, and to her? That's more important than anything else. She'll do anything and everything for her friends and family, no matter what sort of situation it puts her into. When it comes to the things she's passionate about, you can be darn sure she puts every bit of effort into them, whether it be friendships, schoolworks, or one of her causes. Sure, she messes up a lot, and tends to be a bit bold and rash like a lion, but when it comes down to it? She's all about being there for the things that mean the most to her.

Physical Description: (include hair color, eye color, height, weight, and build at the VERY least)
Phoebe stands at about 5’5” with a rather average build, since she really does nothing spectacular sports-wise. She has long, dark hair that falls past her shoulders and curls just a little. Her eyes are a dark shade of brown. Her nose is a bit larger and broader than ideal, but eh. She’s learned to live with it and love it. She has a broad, toothy grin and is rarely ever seen frowning.
Preferred Body Model: (please include a link to an image) Bethany Joy Lenz

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.

Hobbies and talents - max of five: Phoebe, though she dropped ComC, is a natural with animals-- she adores them and easily works with them. She loves the whole traveling bit with her parents as well, and tries to go on as many trips with them as she can. She adores studying other people and cultures.
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: Phoebe's the sort of person who tends to get herself into Very Bad Situations because she can't seem to keep her mouth shut, or her opinion to herself. She has a difficult time biting her tongue which can make quite a few enemies out of those who she's speaking with. She's claustrophobic, therefore, doesn't deal with crowds, and some parts of the castle, very well. She's gotten a better handle on it over the years, but it tends to be difficult for her. She snorts when laughing, which really, is more of a nuisance than anything else.

Phoebe's... insanely protective of her family, to say the least. Especially her big brother, and she doesn't think that anyone really deserves him. She adores her big brother to bits and think he deserves nothing but the best, so she has a tendency to chase girls she thinks are undeserving away from him. If anything were to happen to him? She'd probably snap and lose it.

She also has a problem with hyperactivity and impulsivity. She always has to be moving about or doing something. She doesn't like being in one place for long and constantly fidgets and moves about in class. And she does the whole acting-without-thinking bit a lot as well.

Phoebe is a very flighty person as well. She acts, THEN thinks, which tends to led her into places she probably shouldn't be. She doesn't deal with conflict, crisis, or bad situations well, so she tends to run from those. A lot.
Best subjects - max of three: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Charms
Worst subjects - no max: Transfiguration, History of Magic, Divination
Broom: (Nimbus 2001's and Firebolts by permission only!) Cleansweep 11

Maple Wood and Unicorn hair

Now the maple is a tree most commonly found all over Canada. This country has a beautiful red maple leaf on their flag as well. The maple is a symbol of freedom and pride. Now is there any more proud and free a magical creature than the unicorn? Maybe a centaur...But all in all the unicorn is the magical creature that craves liberty and independence from humans the most. Also, if you ever meet a unicorn, you will meet no prouder nor distiguished a creature. If you are ever lucky to get close enough to one that is! Now what happens when the free and proud hair from a unicorn, meet the free and proud maple! A quite lovely and exquisite carefree wand. The wand will execute spells at the least command. This wand type has even been rumoured to perform easy spells that the wizard may have simply been THINKING about, so strong is this wand's need for a feeling of free will and the pride that comes with executing a spell. The owners of such wands are usually free-spirited (obviously) and clear of mind and thought. It is said the WAND picks the wizard, well this wand needs a clear mind to read and feel liberated in. Carefree wands for carefree people!

If the character is a student, he/she must have a class timetable. You need not list the days and times for these classes, but we do need to know which classes your character takes. More information on this is located in the userinfo above the application.

List of classes for current year:
Ancient Runes

Alignment: (does your character support Voldemort? Anti-Voldemort? Please note that this must be in keeping with your character, as a Muggleborn would have no reason whatsoever to follow Voldemort. This information will also not be shared with anyone but the mods) Neutral; leaning towards good.

And because I had to include this:

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac. Aquarians are humanitarians and philanthropists, the visionaries of the zodiac. Aquarians value friendship and often have many acquaintances in addition to their close friends. Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac. All that is learned by the first 11 signs comes together to help Pisces reach the pinnacle of their potential. Aquarius/Pisces are selfless and spiritual, often strongly intuitive and receptive to the collective unconscious.

The astrological symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer. The astrological symbol of Pisces is the Pair of Fish. Those born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp reflect the dual nature of life, reality and nonreality, consciousness and the unconscious. They represent consciousness through the flowing of ideas. They work hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. In this way, the Fixed Quality of Aquarius is the Fixed exemplified. However, the Mutable Quality of Pisces shows itself equally by deeming these individuals as people without a strong agenda; they tend to go with the flow and move where life takes them. They are peace loving and friendly, and are the chameleons of the Zodiac, receptive to the needs of others but sometimes getting lost themselves.

Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn (and his Greek equivalent, Cronus) was the father of many gods, including Zeus. Uranus, the oldest god, was associated with Earth. When the planet Uranus was discovered, astrologers assigned it as the modern ruler of Aquarius. It is from this planet that Aquarians receive their visionary nature. Uranus is associated with progress and technology -- anything that is radical -- and it rules electricity and astrology.

Pisces is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king of the gods. Neptune (and his Greek equivalent, Poseidon) was the god of the sea. When the planet Neptune was discovered, modern astrologers assigned it to be the ruler of Pisces. Neptune is about everything that isn't quite real: illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, drama and art, and spirituality. All of these are important to those born under Pisces. Aquarius/Pisces tend to be strongly spiritual (not necessarily religious) and artistic. They are idealistic, but sometimes their dreams are vague and impractical. When reality intrudes, they can become pessimistic or lethargic, but they are very adaptive and broad-minded, so they can rework their ideals when necessary.

The element associated with Aquarius is Air. Air Signs are intellectual, and they tend to respond to the world through intellect, rather than physical action or practicality. The element associated with Pisces is Water. Because Water Signs are emotional, they tend to respond to the world through emotion. Aquarius/Pisces are tolerant and open-minded, but tend to stick to their beliefs. They are compassionate, sensitive, imaginative and sympathetic to the feelings of others. They tend to be romantic and sentimental, but they may give in to escapism. They are devoted to their goals, but they can be disorganized or procrastinate when faced with difficulties. Their intellect makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also makes them aloof from people around them. They are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail. Reformist and experimental, Aquarius/Pisces may seem cold toward people who don't share their intellectual orientation to life. Those born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp may become timid if their emotions are abused too often.

Aquarius/Pisces are often multitalented, both in scientific and creative endeavors. They are unique and rebellious people who are driven to change the world. However, they can be shy, quiet and sometimes elusive, refusing to show their true selves. They are modest and thoughtful, sometimes displaying remarkable musical talent. Their freedom is important to them, and they are often driven to help others become free, as well.

In their leisure time, Aquarius/Pisces are social animals. They may work to alleviate their emotional stress through contact with others and exercise. They greatly prefer team sports to solitary athletics, and they often have a fondness for swimming or water polo. In love relationships, Aquarius/Pisces is flirtatious, caring and romantic. Aquarius rules the ankles. People born under Aquarius may be more susceptible to sprains than those of other signs. Aquarius's colors are the colors of the water they carry: turquoise, aqua and silver.

The great strength of the Aquarius/Pisces is in their visionary nature and their compassion. They are the people who take the world to the next level; they make others see things in a new light. Their ability to break the rules and help others reach their fullest potential makes them one of the most understanding characters of the zodiac.
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