May 11, 2005 21:54
Holy moly did I have a rough night.
During the baseball game tonight I barely survived. It started out alright, and looked like it would be a quick game. In the top of the third inning a ball hit me directly in the testicles, and the game began its downhill tumble. In the middle of the bottom of the third inning an old lady starts her car, and both her and the car completely malfunction. The lady starts ramming the car behind her, which was lucky because if it hadn't stopped her there would be some injured people. So she repeatedly rams this car back and forth and back and forth, and I have to keep the game going. Top of the fourth inning, as the cop cars are all around and the tow truck is towing the cars, a foul ball shot hits my car parked very far away and dented my door a little bit. That sucked. Immediatly following that hit, another foul ball hits an SUV and dents it just below the window, and then another one flys out through the gap between the dugout fence and the backstop and just about hits about 7 people. This game was going bad enough. Then some kid out in right field starts swearing about the pitcher and both myself and the coach tossed him out of the game. The kid's mom went off on the coach and swore at him a bunch. Good role model. So normally the games last about an hour and a half. This game lasted 2 and a half hours. I ended up being about an hour late to youth group, which was alright I guess because nobody was there but Tom and Justin, but then I realized I was almost out of gas. I had Justin follow me to the gas station, and I made it but parked on the wrong side of the pump, so I started my car again and while driving to the other side, my car ran out of gas. I was just giggling by this point. I put it in neutral and as Justin and I pushed it, we realized that it was to far away from the pump, so we almost had to repark the car. It ended up just reaching the car, so that was my first good luck of the night. Oofta. But I'm still smiling! :-D