dude, i am so happy!

Feb 29, 2004 09:04

I am so excited, I finally convinced my mom 2 get me some tweezers! YAY, NO MORE YETTIE EYEBROWS! WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO! I plucked em last night and they look super shibby! Also, my mom said she would "think" about the nose stub. I don't get why she wouldn't let me, I mean, it would look so cute on me! c'mon, you all know I would look hot w/ one, there are no excuses! Also, I am goin w/ Betsy 2 the movie's 2day, YAY! No offense 2 Chris, but he is boring 2 go 2 the movies w/, i luv u baby, but u need 2 cheer up sweetie! Im watching American beauty right now, I love this movie. I'll watch Moulin Rouge next with the most fabulous Ewen McGregor , so FAB! My mom also said yesterday that I can............bum bum buh........choose what Culinary school I want 2 go 2! YYYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSS! DAD CAN'T MAKE ME GO TO THE CIA! I could go 2 the CCA, Le Cordon Bleu, anywhere! MUHEHAHEHA! I want to go 2 the CCA the most,just because there curriculum suits me the best. Also, i LOVE San Fran! Hehehe, I am also lookin 4 a boyfriend right now......It is not an easy task. So few hot fat guys, I must find the right one! haha, im fab 2day, ttyl, Later.......
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