Tagged by Octoberine

Nov 09, 2008 19:22

a. people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. tag eight people. don't refuse to do that. don't tag who tagged you.

o1. what are your nicknames?
In chronological order, from oldest to newest: Bumpers, Skunk, Emmi, Ems, Elbow, Radish, Emmers

o2. how do you style your hair?
I don't.  Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, "Let it be."

o3. What's new in your life right now?
Just made goulash!  And read my first Karen Russell!  She writes precisely the stories I want to write.  Kind of upsetting to know she beat me to the punch.

o4. how many colors are you wearing now?
Indigo, royal purple.

o5. are you an introvert or extrovert? 
Introvert who secretly thrives on company

o6. what was the last book you read?
The Emigrants by Sebald; currently reading biography of Julia Child, Little Women, and Karen Russell's St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves

o7. do you nap a lot?
Only when reading other people's stories for workshops...sorry, guys.

o8. if the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?
Pine in secrecy.

o9. is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
My last workshop in which my story Titanic-ed.

1o. what was the last thing you ate today?
A clementine

11. how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
20 minutes plus oatmeal time.

12. what websites do you visit daily?
Oh God, this is probably the most humiliating question one could ask me.  Here's my lineup: LiveJournal, Wesleying, Facebook, For Better or For Worse, Toothpaste for Dinner, I Can Has Cheezburger, Emailsanta.com for the daily Christmas countdown clock.  On Sundays, Postsecret.  On Fridays, the American Girl Help! column I send sabotorial advice into.

13. what classes are you taking right now? and if you're not in school anymore, what's your job?
Fiction workshop, bullshit lit seminar on first person narratives, Writers' Life Colloquium (read: reading series).  Just finished my bonus weekend classes Experimental Fiction and Selling First Person Essays.

14. do you like to clean?
I second octoberine: I love to clean my stuff, but hate hate hate hate cleaning up after other people.

15. what's the last song that got stuck in your head?
Cry Me a River by the J-tin T-Lake.  Shame, oh, the shame.

16. What's the last movie you saw?
Watched part of Love, Actually last night before realizing I am pretty burnt out on it.  Last GOOD thing I saw was the complete 3rd season of Once and Again!  Thanks, Canadian tv show piraters, for your swift delivery of my illegal dvds!

17. what's better: eternal love or memorable love?
Is the implication that eternal love is boring?  I don't buy that.  Eternal love sounds pretty good.

18. what would you do if you see $100 lying on the ground?
Try to figure out who it belongs to and return it.  If that's not possible, holla, sista needz some new bookz.

19. best time of your life?
Most consistently, non-stop awesome time was New Zealand, but there are some specific moments that were better: college graduation, getting my letter from Claudia Mills, a bunch of my birthday parties.

2o. tell me something good.
I have tickets to see Neil Young in one month and six days!!!!!

I tag: acerbic_wit antiqrule1 squirrelsrstpd thedisappeared jemfayeapril lindaflindas loveismywine lizabizbits 
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