So, this is the boi whose managed consuming most of my evenings talking to me on the telephone.
He is a very nice guy, and we get along a whole lot! Best thing is that he isn't dramatic, and he says im not either! And i like that. He understands how the drama is caused in life and he helps me get through it cause it isnt all my fault! I love it! He's a great guy! We are always talking on the phone, and whenever i tell him he should go to sleep, hes all cute about it and he says he doesnt want to because he would rather talk to me than sleep... So cute!
We talk about so much stuff too... we dont talk about sex, or stupid relationship stuff, we just kind of talk. Of course there are the comments though. I am looking forward to him moving down here, and cannot wait to be able to hang out with him. I'm not rushing anything though, because as i have learned with other boys, you dont say some stuff or feel things fast. Stupid!
Anyway, onto actual events.
I got a rental car yesterday, its a suzuki. Its a hot car, but it has like no pick up! But hey, i dont think i will need it long, so im just happy i have something to get me from point A to B then back to A again!
My teacher let me off easy, which im thankful for. He said i didnt have to make up any of the classes i missed, as long as i did the work that needed to be done. And boy, i missed a paper, two projects, and some other stuff. I got pretty much caught up, but we get the full 5 hours of class time to do all our homework and our projects, so its all good! My projects are due tomorrow though! I got a 5 hour class tonight though, so it should be all good! and then i have tomorrow night too since it is due at the end of class!
Holly comes in two days!!! How cool is that, i get to spend time with my bestest friend in the whole wide world... No joke, i been looking forward to seeing her. I have never been away from her for this long, and then again she is coming down for 10 days, so i havent spent a full 10 days with her either, but we go places together all the time, and we were always together, so i know i can stand her for 10 days LOL! I love her. She's my baby doll! My bestest baby doll ever! LOL! Yippy, im soooo syked, i can't wait for her to be here!
Im going out looking for jobs next week, when holly is here, cause i hate driving in phoenix alone, its so weird and spooky! I think im just going to get a plain simple job for a few weeks maybe a month, just making some money having something to do, then ill look for an actual job when i get back from Mexico in September!
I'm so excited that i have been having a good time lately, i havent felt like life has been worth living for a while, but im starting to think it is. I wanted to move back home, but after some serious thinking of how i would regret it, i knew i didnt really want to move back home, at least not yet!
Anyway, sorry i made this entry long, i just wanted to update a little, and i havent really written in like a week and a half (besides yesterday!)
Kisses and Tattah!!!