Jan 24, 2005 20:34
It really didnt make sense for me to be a regular LJ updater, but never fear, I will always be here to fill you in my life. My life is going a bit more in the direction that i wanted it to. Slowly, but it starting to go somewhere nonetheless .
Today was day 1 of my fantabulous Make-Up Artistry Course. The teacher kept referring to the c;ass as 'Ladies!', and kept correcting herself. It was actually hilarious, because she was getting a little frustrated with having to do it every time. To bad lady, I ve got a wang - get used to it. In any case, I will be a certified official makeup artist when Im done, and then I can finally take the subsequent theatre and film course (still makeup) So its all good fun and I'll be to move on up from Tim Horton's sooner than I think. Actually, I will be needing models for a few of the final dates in march/april. So this is a message to MELIN (because I need an 'ethnic' model) and EMILY (because you have blonde eyebrows) and STEF (because I like your face, deal with it). I've already involuntarily volunteereed My Mother for the 'Mature Makeup' night. Tough luck, lady!
I finished 'session 1' of my Fashion Illustration course back in Decemeber, and am starting 'Session 2' on Wednesday. I genuinely have fun when I'm there, even though nobody talks to each to each other or socializes in any way. Im learning how to draw better and better, and I fell more professional each time. So its all good.I should be done with this course by the end of this year.
In exciting/anxious/nerve-racking/AAHHH! news, tomorrow I begin work on my Demo/Album! I am actually shaking becuase I've never showed anyone any of my own original work ('Screech Like Jesus' doesn't count). I really really hope this goes well, AND goes somewhere.
Thursday is my driving test! But Im actually so good. I should have no problems passing.
So makeup + fashion + music + driving = fun and hopefully a career. I want to move on with my life. I was discussing what my mother what we would do if we won a million at the lottery. And it came down to Paying the mortage, Saving for my sister's education and she said I can take a whole chunk and move to New York if I want to! Here's hoping the million's in the mail tomorrow!
p.s. I LOVE richtext .
here's a good story. I got into a brawl with a customer, to the extent of her wishing to speak with my manager:
Her: *honk* God, you people! *honk*
Me: No need to be rude, miss!
Her: (points to coffee) Close the lid!
Me: It's closed (well, a tip was slightly askew, but nothing to be rude about!)
Her: (looks at me as thought I'm handicapped, and says) Do you need bigger glasses?!?!
Me: Excuse me?
Her: You guys are so frickin slow.
Me: Well, we're short staffed and really busy, nothing I can do!
Her: No need for you to be so slow!
Me: No need for you to be in this store!
Her: Oh, I see. Get your manager.