Oct 21, 2005 10:23
Spam leaves an aftertaste
What does the Internet know that it sends me
unbidden the offer of a larger penis?
I'm flattered by the energy devoted
to the architecture of my body.
Brain waves noodling on girth, length, curvature
possibly, pictures drawn on napkins
of the device, teeth for holding, cylinder-
pneumatic, hydraulic - for stretching
who I am into who I shall be. But of all
messages to drop fromt eh digital ether,
hope lives in the communique that I can find
out anything about anyone. So, I've asked:
who am I, why am I here, if a train
leaving Chicago is subsidized
by the feds, is the romance of travel
dead? I'd like the skinny on where I'll be
when I die, to have a map, a seismic map
of past and future emotions, to be told
how to keep the violence I do to myself
from becoming the grenades I pitch
at others. The likes of Snoop.com
never get back to me, though I need
to know most of all if any of this helps.
How can we scatter our prayers so wide,
if we've become more human or less
in being able to share the specific
in a random way, or was it better
to ask the stars for peace or rain,
to trust the litany of our need
to the air's imperceptible embrace? Just
this morning I got a message
asking is anyone out there. I replied
no, I am not, are you not there too,
needing me, and if not, come over, I have
a small penis by aspirations
for bigger things, faith among them,
and by that I mean you and I
face to face, mouths
making the sounces once known
as conversation.
~ Bob Hicok
...Ironic that I post this online, isn't it?