Dec 21, 2007 15:17
I am addicted to cabbage right now.
And I'm eating a lot of garlic
Startin new years (actually dec. 28th) i'm going on a eat clean diet
which is nothin processed, canned, chemical etc
lots of organic and natural stuff
like veggies, fruits, nuts etc
occasionally 3-4x a week lean chicken, beef and fish.
i think this is a better way to lose weight then like eatin sumthin once a day and starvin for 15 hours, or like....eating massive amounts of frozen veggie.s
so i'll just hit the supermarket get fresh veggies lots of antioxidant rich ones, and make healthy meals and bring a handful of almonds and some fruit to school and evening classes.
i look OKAY , like i'm obviously a whale but I know if I continue to eat a lot of cabbage, some turkey for Christmas, but mostly salads and veggies and fruits, I'll eventually have my jeans be loose on me by New Years :) how fantastic is that?
and i'm begun to make SMALL changes in my diet such as drink at least 9 cups of water before bed, I've tripled my consumption of fruits (i've eating a lot of clementines, persimmon, some blackberries, appleS) and i cut myself a small piece of cake yesterday ate 3 bites and gave the rest to my roomate. its about discipline and habit...and i'll definitely focus on that for the 2008. Now excuse me while I finish making my deliciosu cabbage salad with fresh garlic, red onion, vinegar and lemon. XXX i'll post back to see if this plan is maken me any thinner