Doing So-So

Dec 04, 2007 13:32

been sick from some intestinal dehydration uggggh.. all weekend. Missed Hedley concert =( 
luckily...ironically...being sick caused me to eat not much more than prunes & water for 3 days so the outcome of that is that my size one jeans fit just nicely with a little extra room today =). so far, i've had unsweetened yogurt with strawberry jam and honey, 2 bananas some grapes, 1 starbucks caramel frapuccino and a starbucks egg nog latte venti. i am planning on just drinking water tonight. i need at least 2 cups for every coffee i drink, and at least 2L so i dont get intestintal dehydration again and need an enema (grossss) again. there is still one gurl in my school who is tinier than me by like 7lbs it hink. it is my goal to be tinier than her by the new year grrrr her. i hate not being the thinnest in the room :(, i believe she has genetics on her side but that is no matter!! using that as an excuse is pathetic! i plan to drink tons of water and cut down on my caffeine altho i am a starbucks addict lol no really..and up my intake of veggies and fruit...for health purposes. i dont have much of an appetite after being sick and i havent weighed myself either....i dont want to look at a scale until i'm out of the 120s. it may take a couple weeks but if i eat more salads, fruit and water i'm sure i'll get there {and lower} in no time!!! then when i go boxing day shopping i can buy more size one jeans :D...i never bought size one jeans before last week!!! maybe one day..size zero? wowwww.
i get so jealous when starve pro's like ______ say she cant fit into anythin but abercrombie Kid sizes..what a brag...but it does keep in mind when i think i've done good...its not good enuff and i shud keep going yup yup!
i'm really into the Christmas spirit as always, but i know i cant eat much on Christmas cuz boxing day shopping is the next day! Im waking up bright and early...and i probably will go to Sherway Gardens =) they have great stores there.i am not goin to spent more than two fifty. i will probably just buy things i dont even need haha. that sounds like me. anyway, i'm glad with my progress which was totally unintentional and due to the fact i was sick for 4 days. I must cut down on the eggnog and starbucks!!! and i do have a thing for chocolate. i find indulging in shopping and taking hot showers /spa time is a great distraction. sorry for the long entry i havent written in a while!!! =)  well if i hit the gym and do dance for 3x a week, keep drinking a ton of water and stay away from any carbs , sugar and oil i should be able to get out of the fatty 120s by Dec. 15th hopefully!!! unfortunately, then my old clothes won't fit as snug like my hollister shirt is hangin. uggh. then i have to do go shopping yipeeee. at this point, it'd be a good incentive to get a job. :| .....grrr work! but material things are not whats important . i am very very nervous about my applications 2 ryerson and york so now i know they received my applications..if i get an acceptance letter in the mail i'll FREAK (in a good way) and then be very very very very very very very very happy and life will be perfected....and i'll be a size zero one day and live happily ever after and pay off my credit card bill...sneak in sum starbucks and buy a laptop :)
if i DONT get may turn suicidal...:| i'll be a city slum dweller....i'll be  a nobody......i'll ..i'll
never mind that, i WILL get accepted no matter what cuz i says so! its been my dream for 2 years to go there and i know my grades suck lol but there is such thing as miracles...i mean how else does my fat ass fit into size one jeans right? anyway, i have to get going it's a bit chilly out now :) snow on the ground...quite lovely. our christmas tree is up lights and decorations and all that jazz...i like it very much. anyway, everyone is getting along just darling. so life isnt much too stressful, just i must stop skipping film class. i'll write soon hopefully create a veggie stew for the week with carrots and the like. :) hope evryone else that inspires me is stayen strong and stayen pin thin xx
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