Nov 03, 2007 16:14
Dear Stomach,
Yeah hi. It's me, the body. Yeah listen, I know you love food and you love it in unGodly amounts but listen, we have 20 lbs to heave off of ASAP so you cannot get all that food anymore. As much as yu whine and scream for it, you cannot have it! You have to cooperate and enjoy the yucky V8 vegetable cocktail, veggies and fruits I'm feeding you so that you can be flat and un-intrusive. So now , we have to end all thoughts of cheesecakes, soft breads, ice cream, chocolate and candy and put to rest any thought of binging and purging or laxative uses. You are going to learn to starve, and starve good. And yes, it will hurt some but the faster you get used to it , the easier it is on both of us. When do we start? Yeah, by the way, we start TOMORROW. Or tonight, more clearly, since this is your last binge (which you didnt do very bad of, just too much eggs), you must now forget you ever were a binger. Because now you're a dietter.