Freewill Horoscope for the week of February 14, 2008 Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Happy Valentine Daze, Scorpio! After extensive meditation about what advice would be most useful for your love life in the coming months, I decided on this gentle rant from the South African poet Shabbir Banoobhai: "Love is a mystery. And the reason why it is a mystery and should remain a mystery is that knowledge of it would give us mastery over it -- would enable us to manipulate it -- and love, truth, God, cannot be manipulated. Hence the Prophet exclaimed, 'My Lord, increase my bewilderment in Thee.'"
Sign Language Horoscope for the week of February 14, 2008Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
If you want proof that you rock, look around you. Check out the people who love you. Their awesomeness, and the affection they bequeath upon you, should be evidence enough that you’re great. I hope you can figure out a way to be satisfied with that. If you really have to look further to find the validation and appreciation you crave, you’re going to get into trouble. In most cases, your quest will probably end in failure. Not only that, it’s likely to sabotage at least some of the good stuff you’ve already got. Look at your friends again, and feel the love. With all this, you really shouldn’t feel hungry for more. It’s a veritable feast. Dig in.