Freewill Astrology Horoscopes for week of November 22, 2007 Scorpio
A while back I asked my readers, "What conditions would you need in your world in order to feel you were living in paradise?" I'll report to you how one Scorpio responded, since it's very apropos to your immediate future. "My utopia," wrote Sandra Boyd of Vancouver, "would require me to be desired, loved, and satiated amidst messy order and cockeyed perfection." I urge you to create that exact set of conditions, Scorpio. Get out there and cultivate the funny logic, wild discipline, and chaotic organization that will help ensure you'll be fiercely adored.
Sign Language Horoscopes for week of November 22, 2007Scorpio
I know your trust has been broken, but it’s no one’s fault, least of all the one you’re taking it out on. That’s like blaming your bank for getting robbed. How long are you going to keep your cash buried in the backyard or stashed inside your mattress? Forever? That’s your choice, I suppose; banks are overrated. But what about love? You’re practicing the emotional equivalent of keeping your heart hidden and buried, instead of invested and collecting interest. That’s your choice, too. But consider choosing differently. Your life would be richer for it, I promise.