major drama fest

May 19, 2016 17:15

Friends on my facebook have read some about this, and I don't want to go into some long story about it here, but this crazy person is stalking my family over a comment my brother made to her kid. He was at a children's museum with his little girl, when a couple of boys started taking her toys and being mean to her. He asked them to stop, but they wouldn't. In the process, he asked one of the kids if he was retarded. The mom, who'd be completely uninvolved before that, flipped out and actually called the police on my brother for supposedly calling her child retarded. wtf? But it didn't stop there. She then messaged me completely out of the blue, when I knew absolutely nothing about the incident, and was talking all kinds of trash about my brother, calling him a child abuser. I wrote back, initially just saying I thought she had the wrong person, and asking why she was even contacting me, but after speaking to my mother and learning she's continued to harass my whole family, I said a few more things. Next thing I know, she's taken my replies, edited them, and posted them all over the internet, along with my name and picture, encouraging people to go after me. *sigh* So stupid. Then I learn she's made several websites for my dad's company, to badmouth him over this incident in which he wasn't involved at all. She's posted many lies about what happened, and has contacted several family members, but I seem to be the one she's especially targeting, even more than my brother. Of course. It would be me, that's just how it goes. I'm always the big, bad meanie somehow responsible for anyone's behavior.

Yes, I really, really wish he had not asked the kid if he was retarded.....but I think she over-reacted to a major degree, and I think she is pretty crazy.
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