Jun 07, 2006 03:30
I'm pretty sure I have to update.
So tonight, Cody and I smoked and then watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I was pretty fucking high, and the movie freaked me out a lot (even though I'd already seen it twice). Even when it was over, I was still kinda high, so I was really fucking freaked to leave the house. I finally run out, get in my car, and lock the doors via my keyless entry. I try to start the car and it won't start. Then my car alarm starts going off and I can't shut it off. I finally get it to, so I start to leave Cody's neighborhood. Then a rabbit flies in front of my car, so I slam on the breaks and scream, and I swear to God, if my scream didn't echo in my car, then something else made a noise, because I heard it. So I continue to drive, trying to listen to something comforting, and I see a moving figure. It was some old man walking with a hiking stick along the side of the road... at 3 fucking 30 in the morning! So I flip out again and am paranoid the entire ride home. Thankfully, nothing else freaky happened, but I seriously got so freaked out. Why do all these creepy things have to happen right after I watch a creepy movie?!