I keep going between being so happy and being anxious and worried. Like, just this evening I have been. for whatever reason...it was a beautiful fall evening, though. cloudy, but beautifully fall-like in the veeery slight chill in the air. Anyways life is so exciting and busy and wonderful right now, I don't know why I keep going between feeling so overwhelmingly excited about it but also anxious beyond all belief. I keep worrying about my parents dying, too. Not, like, for any particular reason but just thinking about how distressing it would be if one or both of them were to die anytime soon.
Ok so boy section (as with all of my LJ entries recently...) Joe and I had a talk the other night and we're both on exactly the same page in terms of thinking about our dating. Pretty much, we both like the way our lives the way they are when we're single and like seeing one another but not having to call/talk to the other one incessantly when we're not seeing each other (which is still only like 2 times a week.) omg THANK THE LORD. Nobody in this situation is going to turn into a whiny, clingy bitch and hopefully this will stay a low-stress little fling. (My mother, by the way, is already suggesting that I invite Joe to our family's Thanksgiving extravaganza. My family is fucking nuts.)
we made fabulous shirts...including the STEAMROLLER!!! one illustrated below
I am wearing my also fabulous "reclaim the shame" shirt in this photo, although you cannot see it particularly well.
how I wish I was a jew.
Elton John chic
we made crazy delicious brownies
this is the cutest fucking picture ever. whereas I want jewishness, Amanda wishes to be catholic.
oooooo my friend Chase and I also made an exciting late-night excursion into Adams-Morgan last night and went to this cool bar-type place that was called "The Diner." fun times. my life is fabulous right now. I must say.