Jun 06, 2010 02:20
Rented Valentine's Day on iTunes today. Wow...that movie was pretty bad. It had so many stars, but the story itself was just...yeah, it wasn't very good. No offense to Taylor Swift, I like your music, but please don't act or play characters like the one you played in Valentine's Day because not only was she super annoying but just really awful watching her. The only things I liked about Valentine's Day: Seeing Topher Grace and Bradley Cooper in the same movie. That is about it. Oh and some of the songs used in the movie were pretty good.
I am not looking forward to working on my midterm paper. I do not want to go to sleep because it means that when I wake up, I have to work on it. But I want to get it done because then after that, no more huge papers/reports until finals! I really need to sight see. I haven't seen that much since being here. I blame it on the fact that every place I want to go to is a date place (i.e. Shinagawa Epson Aquos Stadium, Ueno Zoo...okay I can go with friends there but definitely not the Shinagawa place!).
I am getting tired though...jya, oyasumi~