Apr 23, 2007 19:40
I don't know what I'm feeling right now... I just received a message back from Chelsea Somerville (Re: the beginning of the end... also the beginning of this journal will pretty much give you the break down) on facebook...
It's nothing super-de-duper special. She just said that she hadn't talked to me in a long time, and that she was glad to hear that I was in Vancouver as it seemed to suit me... she updated me, reader's digest style, about what's going on with George Mac...
A part of me plummets just thinking about her... and the weirdest part about this: I thought I was wayyyyyyy over this!
Like two years ago.
I don't want to think that I still have feelings for her, because... I don't think that I do, but it's still... raw, you know? (cue: Uma) I just don't know what I'm feeling, and that's hard to deal with.
On another note, my audition went amazingly well! I'm 99.9% sure I got in. I mean, granted, today was the first portion of auditions, and there are still several days left, but I'm very confident in how well it all seemed to go. The "judges" seemed to respond really well/positively to my respective performances, and while all the other performers before me got instructions intermittenly in order to draw them out a bit more, into the role, I got very little instruction. I had to sing, which I thought I was going to do terribly because my voice has been quite scratchy lately (not sure why), but for some reason it decided that it would help me out today... so glad about that.
Anyway, just wanted to update you all. Thanks for the well-wishes, I owe you one.