My interview questions from the lovely
sidlechick87. Oh, younger girls... when will you learn, Jocelyn ;-)
She had her own rules, relating to one STD or another, but I changed them around to be a bit more appropriate to my particular flist market. Apparently her flist is STI conscious, as we all should be, but I don't see anyone heeding to my warnings.
The Rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Do it to me!"
2. I'll then respond by asking you up to five questions. You will answer them.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. Your fan girls will squee.
6. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
7. You will squee.
8. Squee now, just for practice.
Here are my answers!
1. If you could spend the rest of your like with one person, anybody male or female (must be alive), who would it be and why?
You know, I don't actually have an answer for this. I'm big into solitude these days, with a bit of comfortable socialization thrown in for good measure, but generally I keep to myself. I like being by myself, but I think if it could only be one person for the rest of my life I'd pick... my sister. Yeah, that makes sense. Or my mom, but first choice is my sister, because we get along pretty well... sure we fight, but relationships come and go, and she's usually the one I talk to about it. Makes sense to keep her around as long as I live.
2. Favourite flower? Why?
Lilies... they make me think of tropical paradi, and warm wind. I love summer.
3. What is your fave movie??
Why, Kill Bill Vol. 1, of course!
4. What would you 'label' youself as? Why?
Um... this one is pretty tough. Technically, I'm a lesbian, but really... it's hard. Homo politics aside, I just don't identify well with the gay population of this world. I feel a bit out of sorts. I'm comfortable with being attracted to women, just not with all the hullabulloo that goes along with it. The parades, the marches, the freakin' marriage debates. Perhaps the last isn't such a great example, because I do think gay people should be allowed to get married, but that's more to the point that I think it's wrong to limit one couple from the next simply based on sex. I don't give a shit what people do in their private lives, and neither should anyone else. I think this because I am human, not because I'm gay. You get me?
5. Favourite male name?
I have a few... Sterling, Caine, Caleb, Raine.