Unpredictable? Just a little bit

Nov 11, 2009 22:18

Someone is voodoing me *can I invent a new verb? Yes, I can*

The Friday exam seemed to be cursed by some anonimous entity. I arrived at University, entered that damned room with my group (from A to L students). The teacher arrives, stares quite nervously at us than he declares "you're TOO many."
honey, can I be totally sincere? You did count us so please, don't make me angry, ok?
We argued that we would have done that exam at 10.15 AM as he had declared in the email. He replied "okey, I've got a solution"
I took the exam in a room while other students were attending to a philosophy lesson. ù.ù
Lucky me, uh? 10 minutes before the end I finished my test. I was waiting for the others to go out while, suddendly, a voice comes out from nowhere "You're asked to leave the building, evacuation exercitation..." I beg you pardon? WTF?!
Luckily I did end my exam, but some friends of mine didn't have enough time to complete it so He (the genius, the sublime HIM) decided to give them another chance in December. My room mate was quite mad and I had to stand her coming ack home. Thank you Mr. Philosophy. ù.ù

Speaking about happier things today something quite strange happened. I was leaving work, coming back to Parma. And that's normal. I wanted to ask infos about a new tattoo I'd have liked to do so I went to Alle and the secretary - lovely called by him Ikea's bedside table - gave me some infos about prices and so on. She said to me "Well, he can do it after this session, if you want. you just have to wait an half an hour".
A normal conscious woman would have replied "oh no, thank you, I'd like to think about it some time more."
What did I do?

It's handwritten, I did it during a lesson.I have been wondering about it for months and, eventually, I decided that song would have been the right one to be written on me forever. Maybe you won't undestand, I just can suggest you to read the text. For me it's the best song ever written. Ever.

Review time?!
Heroes 4X07- 4X08

4x07 is not that bad, 4x08 is, I guess, a result of a LSD-session shared by the whole group of writers. That's how I can summarize.

*The beginning of 4x07 is sooo cool, really. Horny and wet Sylar is always good. I really like this Matt/Sylar game, quite odd but intriguing.

*The Claire part reminded me a mix of Saw and some Teen-Horror-High-Budget-Movie

*Samuel was great at the end of the episode. He's so mad, so politically incorrect *ò*

(why don't they understand this past/present mixture is annoying?)

*please Hiro, stop trying to save Charlie

*please Isaac, run to your hairdresser
(and kill her while you're there)

*the old evil/ego/superb Sylar I've been missing for so long *___*

*Noah and that woman...what a hell? I mean, was that rilevant?! I guess not

*I knew he wasn't disappeared! I started laughing in my room when I saw him. I can' t believe it, he's still here! MOHINDER!!

Ugly Betty 4x05

*both Daniel and Wily are deceived, as always ù.ù

*I was quite sad for Amanda, even if I'm strangely glad Matt feels something for Betty, maybe.

*The date-scene was amazing LMAO

*Betty dancing at the end of the episode was cool, she looked very pretty in that dress <3

uni, tattoo, review, ugly betty, heroes, random, real life

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