Another week of links from Blogs!

Apr 27, 2008 18:39

It doesn't seem to me as if there was a lot out there this week - which is odd because Earth Day was this week so I would have thought that there would have been loads of cool crafty goodness that involved reusing and recycling! Anyways, without further ado...

  • Toothbrush bracelets: A tutorial from Kaboose for something i've seen people wear for ages, but it goes into really clear and simple instructions of HOW to do it.
  • An Evening Shrug: tutorial from the purl bee of how to knit this really simple evening shrug with circular needles. They use Bamboo to knit with here, but you could use any wool i would imagine. This looks like something i could actually make - and i even have the right size of circular needle to do it!
  • Quick Felt Daisy tutorial: from futuregirl craft blog. I have a feeling that my petals could never look as proportional as hers do!
  • How to make a Coil Basket: Or anything else. the writer of CraftyPod shows us some mandalas and pendants that she made using the same technique as she used in her tutorial of how to make a basket. Very cute and simple to make!
  • I've got two this time from Perez Hilton - one is a HORRIBLE fashion mistake by John Travolta... his title for the image is perfect: Pornolicious. The other is a fashion tip for everyone in the WORLD - if we can see your bum from the FRONT when you are standing up straight... then your skirt/dress is too short - thank- youuuu Gwyenth Paltrow
I now present: An Earth Day Dance

blog roll, perez, craft

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