Fanservice, Bondage, and Cute Boys. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?

Oct 31, 2011 09:10

not_so_flawless and I finally got around to watching the new Merlin
  • Okay, so did anyone else find it extremely sexy when Arthur says "Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot" ? BECAUSE I DO.
  • "Merlin, if you think I'm sleeping in this bed with you..." THANK YOU FOR THE FANSERVICE.
  • Arthur: "Things have changed for me." Me "AND THAT'S OKAYYYYYY, I FEEL THE SAME." (Sam actually made us stop watching and watch the video)
  • There needs to be a parody of the champion scene, in which Elyan explains that fighting is "Arthur's thing". Elyan: "like, one time I got challenged to a duel and I couldn't do it because that's Arthur's thing." 
  • Actually, there needs to be an entire Mean Girls AU.
  • I kind of really respected Queen Anne. She was BAMF. OOH and how she tells Morgana off in the end? \o/ thank yooouuuuuuu
  • I think Sam and I should start recording when we watch Merlin together, because we are seriously like Mystery Science Theater. 
In conclusion, if there is not 97234782479 Morgana/Merlin bondage fics by next week I will be sad face.


For those of you not interested in Merlin, it is time once again for an edition of Things Rae Wants But Cannot Write Herself:

1. Gabe/Justin Bieber based on this picture:

As I was telling 15dozentimes on twitter, South America is a total mecca of hot exotic gay dudes, who keep COMING ONTO JUSTIN. Who at first is all blushing and stammering like, "oh gee that's sweet but I don't do that". And eventually he gets curious and goes to Gabe, and Gabe helps him figure out his hidden homosexual tendencies. BECAUSE GABE IS A CARING, GIVING SOUL. And then there's this, which my brain will not shut up about:

Okay remember this 

(Justin + Gabe + birthday cake)

Obviously Gabe is a messy eater and gets icing on himself. And Justin cleans it off, with his tongue. The ficlet will be in the comments later because I have to go to work. EDIT: The JBiebs is 17. SEVENTEEN. D: D: No fic for him. D:

2. A bb!Panic mall trip fic. Spencer shoe shopping! Dancing like fools to the shitty department store music! Food court shenanigans!

Okay, so that's all for now. I have to go be an adult now. Rec me some spooky fics to read in honor of Halloween! 

all the pretty, hi hi hi, audience participation required, bandom gdi, merlin, the once and future gay marriage, 'nuff said

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