Holy freakin christ, this show.
You know you're emotionally invested in a show when:
- You're sitting at your desk at ten thirty in the morning, sobbing into a towel, which happened to be the closest object I could grab onto
- with the door open, not caring who can hear you weeping down the hall
I know Lancelot is probably NOT DEAD, because this seems to be how the BBC operates. But I just, you guys, he made Gwen a promise, and now he's going to keep it. Ugh, I kind of hated how she was being all selfish about keeping Arthur safe, and making the MAN WHO LOVED YOU FIRST promise his life to protect the MAN WHO STOLE YOU FROM HIM, but then I saw how guilty she was and UGH, JUST... I can't even...
There's a lot of cool stuff in these first two episodes, and a lot of stuff that needs fixing, but I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about DESTINY.
That's right, destiny. Which seems to be a four letter word for this show. I find it interesting, the battle between free will and predetermination. Right now in my humanities class we're discussing the Greek concept of free will, and how their views differ from those of other previous religions. (I'm also reading
The Son of Neptune, the second in Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series. I love when things in life are all related in one way or another.) So I find the show's concept of destiny to be very interesting.
Firstly, let's take a look at what destiny means. It means fate, or a predetermined course of events. The Greeks believed that the Gods knew (knew, was the word used, not decided, which is interesting) when you were born and when you were going to die, and the stuff in between was entirely up to you. In Merlin, however, it seems to be a bit different.
Firstly, there's the concept of Arthur being Merlin's destiny, and Merlin Arthur's. Which is interesting, it seems to mean that Arthur has a predetermined set of things that he is supposed to do, and are going to happen to him, and it is Merlin's role to make sure they all take their proper place in Arthur's life. It also seems to mean that they are supposed to protect each other, to always stand by and for each other, no matter what.
Secondly, Morgana and her destiny. It is her destiny to ultimately be the one to kill Arthur, and I don't think the when or where has been decided yet. (In the original text, it is the last battle of Camlann, but the show will get to that when it does.) Also, the Caelyx (and yes, I know I'm spelling it wrong, shut up) tells Morgana that Merlin is her destiny, and her doom. We've seen this before, with Kilgharrah stating that Morgana is the hatred to Merlin's love, the darkness to his light, and so forth. To me, that says that wherever Morgana causes trouble, Merlin will be there to oppose her, and eventually he will be the end of her.
So we have Morgana killing Arthur, and Merlin killing Morgana, possibly being immortal. What about Gwen? No one has decided a destiny for her yet. No one has said anything about her being DESTINED to be Queen (am I wrong?) only Morgana's vision. Morgana's visions are more possibility that hard fact. Because the future is always fluid, changing (also bulletproof, but that's another post for another day.)
So yeah, what does destiny mean to you? Also, can there be a giant knights orgy? And I also want a big fat Thank-God-You're-alive-I-love-your-stupid-face makeout scene between Arthur and Merlin. All the feelings, I have them.