♥ Sorry, y'all. But there was a scare on twitter last night in which Bradley asked for pictures from the soccer6 thing and somebody gave links to some people involved in fandom's journals. Very scary,
eloquent_toast was in freakout freakingout mode, all around not good.
All I am going to say on the matter is: Bradley, you look mighty fine in a football kit. If you decide to give up acting, I guess I will have to become a bigger footie fan. (SUCH A HARDSHIP OMG). And Eoin and Tom can come, too. But only if FIFA decides it is unnecessary to play with shirts on :D
♠ How's the writing coming? I have not done anything productive lately, as my family is all sick and dying healing, and that makes me the housemaid or some shit, in addition to being household chauffer and runner-and-fetcher of things. I have given up on trying to catch up with all the things, so I am reading some of the fic and going to attempt all the words today.
♥ In other fandom related news,
frackin_sweet posted the last part of One Percenters, and it is freaking awesome. So excited to go back and reread it all!
I had other thoughts, and then I forgot...
Oh! There's a multifandom friending meme, and for anyone involved in
reel_merlin there's a friending meme on the support comm.
♠ I remembered now! I was walking the dog yesterday, and thought of an awesome H50 fic. In the future, after Danny has fixed everything and Rachel and Grace are still in Newark (because it is time for Rachel to be strong independant woman now, IDC if she's having another one of Danny's kids. Danny/Rachel gives me indigestion.) Steve buys Danny a puppy to help him get over not being able to see Grace a lot. Cue adorable puppy, snarky Danny taking said puppy for a walk, etc.
So, yeah... Tuesday, you shall be cool, I command thee.