death is certain/life is not

Sep 05, 2013 21:58

i was going to write about the election. i really was. i was going to be articulate and passionate and objective and eloquent and all that fantastic shit you guys fucking love from me.

i can't.

this afternoon i collapsed. for the last four and a half weeks i've been, while studying at a 125% loading and working part time because lol@ the idea of paying rent with centrelink student allowance, campaigning and campaigning fucking hard.

i've been campaigning with peter whish-wilson, senator for tasmania, up for re-election. he's a good fucking dude. ex-banker, got disillusioned with how fucked up the global economic system is, runs a nice little vineyard in the tamar valley with his family.

i've been campaigning because australia needs people like him. australia needs people who aren't going to shit on you and me and that single mum and that iraqi refugee and everyone else in this country and outside of it.

people have told me it's stupid of me to vote in the interest of the "greater good" instead of my own interest. fuck them.

there is a name for a cell which only serves itself instead of working as a part of the whole organism. it's called cancer. "are you a cancer or a can'tcer upon society?" sir, i am proudly a can'tcer.

today, after helping get gear together for polling booths in my postcode and taking a nice break to visit a friend who is taking care of an orphaned pademelon (which - :3) i got home. and read the coalition's "costings". and while that was happening the filter news dropped.

i snapped.

i FUCKING snapped. all of that campaigning, and talking to people, and hard work trying to convince them that there is a different way, a better way, a way which cares about poors and migrants and people of colour and women and children and the disabled and everyone who is getting fucked over by the old parties. all of it feels so FUCKING worthless.

i feel like i've been wasting my time, because apparently this country LIKES getting fucked. i feel betrayed. i feel exhausted. i feel like shit.

normally, i like helping those who have made mistakes, helping them learn, forgiving and encouraging them. it's why i like teaching. today? no longer.

if you vote liberal, you deserve everything you get.

you deserve to be handed an individual contract by your boss stripping you of penalty rates, sick leave and paid lunch breaks.

you deserve to struggle on inadequate welfare when you get laid off because for all the talk of "business confidence" no private sector business is going to succeed if nobody has any money to spend on their products, and if you work in the public sector that's even dumber.

you deserve for your casually misogynist porn to take so long to load you get blue balls because you fell for fraudband and you deserve to have your favourite casually misogynist porn site filtered by the government.

you deserve to have half an hour added to your commute because public transport will be allowed to rot but that's ok because there'll be another road!

you deserve your house's value to collapse while your mortgage remains sky-high. you deserve for that house to then be burned to the ground, or flooded, depending on what state you're in, as a result of climate change you are proudly doing nothing about.

you also deserve the punch in the face i would love to give you.

this filter announcement? this was supposed to feel good for me. i've spent the last however many years telling dickhead lolbertarians on whirlpool and reddit and the pub that the liberals only ever opposed the filter for political reasons and they'd be the first to implement one if they had the chance. "but the liberals are the party of personal freedom!" they cried. i looked down and whispered "no also you're a fuckwit".

this is the most hollow vindication imaginable. i've been hollowed out by this and i'm crying and drinking coopers red and listening to strapping young lad on repeat because there's nothing left to get hopeful for.

death is certain. life is not.

australia is fucked and i could do nothing. i could not cancel the apocalypse. i could not turn peoples' heads toward the light on the hill. i couldn't save australia from itself.

fuck everything.
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