Bitterly, Connecticut

May 21, 2014 11:01

That little, magical, fictional town is in my heart these days. I wrote Seeking Carolina because I needed something that wasn't sunk so deeply into Hadley Rille Books. As way leads on to way, so too did story lead on to story, and Promises to Keep was born on Saturday. I have another one in my head, set in this small town. I have a feeling in the pit of my writerly gut that The Shadows One Walks is not going to worm its way back into my heart until Eric is back at the helm and I am just a writer/editor with Hadley Rille Books again.

As I have done with my fantasy novels, so too am I doing with my Bitterly books--they connect. Pass-by characters in the first will step into bigger places in the second, and the same goes for the third still only a blip on my radar screen. There is something about connecting things that just happens when I write. Most of the time, these connections are there for those who will recognize them, but won't detract from the story for those who don't. We'll see. I'm really happy where I am right now; and though The Shadows One Walks calls to me, I know that's not where I'm supposed to be right now.

Anyway--two days, two posts. Wow! Look at me! So I'll end this here and get to work, because there's a whole lot of stuff ahead, and the day's getting away from me.

bitterly, ct

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