Age Meme

Feb 18, 2013 21:32

curiouswombat gave me 22

Then: Age 22 (1995)

Lived: At home in Watford with my parents. I lived at home throughout my university life, which on one hand was probably a mistake, as I missed out on a lot (I had one drink the Student Union in three years), but on the other it meant I came out with no debt.

Drove: A an orangey red VW Polo which had been through a lot - me driving it into the central reservation of the M25, a new engine, numerous breakdowns, adventures in North London etc.

Relationship: None. My love life was a wide desolate wasteland, though I did meet my ex towards the end of this year (though he made me wait months).

Fear: Not many. Surgery mainly. Not getting a decent job. Telephones.

Work: I graduated university, but I was still stacking shelves in the supermarket part-time, so I really counted myself as unemployed. This was pretty much the start of my 18 month job search which resulted in severely reducing my expectations to get a job as an office junior. That pretty much set my course in life.

Wanted to be: A homeowner, someone with a good job in London (though I never did know quite what I wanted to actually do - and I still don't), a girlfriend.

Now: 40

Living: My own flat in Hemel Hempstead.

Drive: Black VW Bora. Interesting, these years cover both times I've had VWs. There have been a lot of other non-VWs in my life.

Relationship: None. Can't be bothered wasting time looking.

Fear: Medical problems mostly. Pain. Bills. Losing my cat again.

Work: As a PA in construction Health & Safety. My exact job title is a bit of a mirage and changes with who I'm speaking to. I make lots of pie charts and make documents look pretty.

Want: More money. A bigger flat. To be able to paint. To finish my WIP.

my boring life, meme

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