Battening down the hatches!

Aug 09, 2011 19:21

There's a lot of sirens around Hemel Hempstead tonight. I live between the hospital and the fire station, so I hear them all, but there seems to be an awful lot now. I dare say as I live on a major cut through into the town from the residential areas, I will know pretty soon if something does kick off. Looking at the kids in the park now though, ( Read more... )

a sign of the apocalypse

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Comments 11

spikereader August 9 2011, 20:54:42 UTC
We had a tense moment here this evening, but it turned out to be the sausages under the grill setting off the smoke alarm.

Hope the sirens have died down now and you're having a safe and quiet evening.


bogwitch August 9 2011, 22:39:04 UTC
Careful there!

I haven't heard a siren for awhile now, but the cat has done her best to make the evening less than peasceful!


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