Hello world

May 09, 2010 19:38

Wow. It's been ages since I posted.

This is mainly because I've had nothing to say, but I've also been exhausted. I've been wrangling the document from hell, plus I've been dealing with a new responsibility given to me at work, which of course came with a ton of new work. Luckily I'm about to lose it again (but not because I was crap at it hurrah!).

Anyway, the reason I've not been able to keep my eyes open in the last week is because of the energetic weekend I had last week (that and the lousy nights of sleep I've been having). I went to Shropshire with my friends and their two daughters.

The world's first iron bridge (hence the town name of Ironbridge. I wonder what they called the place before the bridge?)

On the bridge...



The town:

Some houses:

Blist Hill Victorian Village

The Victorian equivalents of teenagers on those stupid, tiny bikes; old blokes on traction engines. They scared the horses.

Not this one though.

Ha ha.

Telford entertained the kids. We went to Wonderland, a fairytale land populated bizarrely by pirates. This is Captain Jack Sparrow apparently.

There is a joke about a giant chopper in here somewhere:

Then we went home after a bird crapped in my friend's hair. She's lucky like that.

on the road, picspam

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