
Nov 04, 2008 23:12

Dear Cat,

You're very cute and everything, but I am not a trampoline.

This is especially true at 2 am and at times when I'm not feeling well in the stomach region.

Please refrain from bouncing tonight and I might see about giving you some of that dried food you like in the morning.



P.S. No, you can't have a third dinner ( Read more... )

bloody cats

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quinara November 5 2008, 08:15:23 UTC
Your cat stories amuse me... Although, having also felt a little dodgy in the stomach region recently, I can't help but wince in sympathy. :(


bogwitch November 5 2008, 08:19:26 UTC
There seems to be a lot of stomach problems about at the momemnet. I haven't felt right for about three days, but it came to a head last night - I don't think I'm going to work.

I have done and typed up your beta, but I think I need to read your story through once more. I found the flashbacks and and the pace a bit confusing - I need to know if that's actually a problem or just the mood I was in the first time I read it.


quinara November 5 2008, 08:36:06 UTC
Mine's mostly been crampy girly pain (oddly hardcore for some reason), but I've had this cough which hasn't really helped.

Fair enough! I wanted to make them a bit more like dreams than flashbacks, hence the blending, but I originally wrote them in chronological order, so I imagine there might not be enough hints as to the way they actually flow. Do you think it's going to be something I could post to seasonal_spuffy on Saturday? (I should probably set some time aside to fix it if it is.)


bogwitch November 5 2008, 08:52:31 UTC
You really don't want the details of mine.

If I get a move on, I think you'd be okay for Saturday. There's less wrong than all my scribblings make out. :)


quinara November 5 2008, 08:57:06 UTC
I'm sure they're highly pleasant!

Yay! And yay! :)

(This comment was brought to you by exclamation marks...)


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