General Information

Aug 17, 2015 22:51

The following is a listing of Yuki's regains after events, her important possessions including those picked up over the course of the plot, and her character relationships with family members and friends.  If your character is not listed here but would like to be, or if you would like the description of the CR to be changed, please feel free to email me at or send me a PM.

Regains: Interface Abilities
    *Ability is restricted in-game.
  • Data Perception*: Yuki is able to view the data that comprises anyone and anything, granting near omniscience.  Canonically, power extends to the ability to know past, present, and future down to exact seconds.  In-game, she is restricted to knowing whatever is allowable by other players.  -Permissions Requested-
  • Data Manipulation*: Yuki is able to alter the data that comprises anyone and anything, granting near omnipotence.  Canonically, power extends to the ability to transform a schoolroom into a vast desert.  In-game, she cannot use her powers to directly harm anyone nor alter the data of Mayfield structures.
  • Accelerated Aptitude: Yuki is able to learn any skill instantly, from playing the guitar to baking a cake.
  • Interface Body: Yuki's humanoid construct body is extraordinarily strong, tough, and capable of superhuman feats.  Canonically, she can bend iron without breaking a sweat, backflip ten feet in the air, and survive being impaled by a dozen steel bars without seeming to be perturbed.
  • Extra-Planar Existence*: Yuki exists outside of normal space-time as defined by humans.  Canonically, she can stop time, synchronize time, and remember all extratemporal anomalies.  In-game, she is restricted to stopping time in a 20-foot radius for approximately 5 minutes.
  • Force Field: Yuki is capable of creating a field to render herself and those around her invisible, inaudible, and intangible.
  • Power Sap: Presumably using her abilities of data manipulation, Yuki is able to steal the powers of others to use for herself.  This renders the target an ordinary human.
  • Technological Control: Yuki is able to reprogram and take control of computers and other advanced technological devices without even touching them, or indeed, even being in the same dimension as this.
  • Nanomachine Synthesis: Yuki is able to generate nanomachines that she injects in humans with a bite.  They may produce a variety of effects, from curing actual disease to removing Haruhi's unwanted reality alterations.

Regains: Possessions
  • School Uniform: The outfit Yuki wears in the winter, and the typical girl's uniform of North High.  She is almost never seen without it.  Yuki's shoes have her name written neatly on the back.
  • Summer Uniform: The outfit Yuki wears in the summer, and the typical girl's uniform of North High.  It is nearly identical to the winter uniform, but with short sleeves.
  • Reading Material: Ridiculous books ranging in subject material from string theory to 18th century Dutch economic theory to the obscurest kanji ever created.  The majority are, however, science fiction.
  • Electric Guitar: The instrument she learned to play for the school fair.  Yuki is an incredible musician but lacks passion.
  • Library Card: A reminder of the first time errors began to surface in Yuki's programming.  Useless.
  • Computer: The Computer Society's 'gift' to the SOS Brigade after being bested in a rousing game of Day of Sagittarius III.  A normal laptop computer.
  • ???: A reminder to myself that Yuki is eligible for one unclaimed regain.

Character Relationships
     Family Members
angelgressor (♥♥)
Canon: Super Robot Wars: Original Generations
Parents have come and gone, but nearly all of them have borne the same reaction to their quiet, robotic 'daughter'.  Lamia is unique in that she apparently understands Yuki's situation exactly, being an artificial construct herself.  Though Yuki does not bond particularly well with anyone, the recent revelation has done some good in opening her up towards her 'mother'.

mr_dynames (♥♥)
Canon: Gundam 00
A thoughtful, intelligent man who doesn't seem to particularly care about the taciturnity of his 'daughter'.  As they have conversed so little, Yuki has little to no opinion of her father.  This tends to be the default state of her relationships.

Trusted People (♥♥♥)
Canon: Axis Powers Hetalia
The self-appointed hero of Mayfield, America attempted to lead the town for a time.  Under his leadership, Yuki voluntarily revealed her data observation ability and agreed to defend her assigned street in case trouble presented itself.  Though he has fallen out of the limelight in recent times, she believes him to be a capable leader if he could act in a less reckless and impulsive manner.

Canon: Tsukihime/Melty Blood
An ancient being best classified in more familiar terms as a 'vampire', Merem is capable of relating to Yuki on a level above that of the average human.  Whereas the IDSE looks upon humans favorably due to their capability for autoevolution, Merem's species tends to think of them as an inferior existence.  Their conversations are usually engaging, and she is pleased to have him as an acquaintance.

Canon: Axis Powers Hetalia
As a citizen of Japan, Yuki holds no feelings one way or the other for her country.  As a product... she trusts this anthropomorphic to retain her secrets.  Yuki came to understand the truth about herself in the majority of Japanese worlds after a discussion concerning 'false selves'; despite this, her behavior and beliefs have not changed in any manner.  Japan remains an occasional conversation partner, understanding her as well as he does.

Canon: Doctor Who
During a crisis instigated by the Doctor's regained foes, Yuki found herself unable to rescue the townspeople from their time-displaced fates.  Consequently, she made the split-second decision to trust the strange man with her secrets.  Her faith was justified.  His machine did what she could not.  Her estimation of him grew in accordance, and he became one of the few organic entities to command her respect.  He is apparently an alien as well.

People (♥♥)
Canon: Transformers
A fellow robot alien.  The resemblance ends there.  Yuki is unable to fathom why Sideswipe behaves the way he does.  Boundless amounts of misplaced confidence and an inability to act logically are among his more pressing flaws.  A lack of tact is a less minor issue.  Yuki is convinced that she will never fully understand the behavior of sentient beings until she understands Sideswipe.

Canon: Touhou Project
Patchouli is similar to Yuki in many ways, from her general lack of desire to talk and her passion for books.  Unfortunately, this means that the two have never spoken as much as they ought to.  Still, Yuki believes Patchouli to be someone she can trust.  She attempted to rescue Patchouli from her defective Philosopher's Stones, but was unable to do so to her regret.

Canon: Discworld
A witch with limited data alteration skills from a flat world.  Her primary point of interest is her lack of exposure to books despite her strong proclivity towards them.  Yuki finds this to be an issue worth correcting.  Otherwise, she, like many others, has attempted to befriend the dispassionate interface.  Yuki is neither inclined nor disinclined to pursue this relationship.

Canon: King of Fighters
Hot blooded and brash, Kyo has been an acquaintance of Yuki's since her first stay in Mayfield.  Despite multiple departures and returns on both sides, Kyo made an instinctive request for her assistance upon his latest return.  This, she found to be slightly flattering.  Their relationship is largely on a business level, and Yuki has a relatively neutral opinion of this audacious man.

Untrustworthy People (♥)
Canon: Ace Attorney
Her previous incarnation murdered Yuki in cold blood when she was still a human.  This is enough for Yuki to stalk Dahlia even more than she stalks the rest of the town, enough to at least ensure the safety of the rest of the Feys.  Yuki has no intention, despite this, to make Dahlia's true nature known to the town, as her role is observation rather than action.

steel_massifail (♥♥♥)
Canon: Mega Man X
A robot with the ability to feel emotion.  This was an oddity disturbing enough that Yuki uncharacteristically confided her doubts in him, eventually being convinced to 'find herself'.  She considers Massimo one of her few friends, enough to alter his data repeatedly for strength and protection.  It took her some time before she could accept he was gone.

onlyeverabackup   (♥♥♥)
Canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Ryoko's betrayal meant she'd fallen from Yuki's graces when she first arrived.  But as time passed, the other interface lost her radical tendencies to become a trusted guardian of both Haruhi and Kyon.  After Yuki's return to Mayfield, she relieved Ryoko of her backup position -- a gesture of respect.  In the winter of the second year, Ryoko returned to her interface-less state.

sosnarrator  (♥♥♥)
Canon: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Her closest and possibly only friend from her world, Kyon is the member of the SOS Brigade she trusts most.  In Mayfield, his safety is of the greatest importance to her, and she is constantly alert to ensure that he is not harmed by the machinations of the town.  He has been droned and returned to Mayfield repeatedly, and is currently in one of the droning periods. Yuki expects his eventual return.

wristsniper (♥♥♥)
Canon: Full Metal Alchemist
Taking up America's role, Olivier became the next leader of the ongoing attempt to escape the town.  As before, Yuki revealed her data observation ability and offered her services.  Olivier was more effective in many ways,  but lacked the general warm heart of her predecessor.  She was droned but returned in short order, leading to mild turmoil within the operations of the town resistance, following which she was ultimately droned again.
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