
Aug 16, 2011 15:41

[Yuki did not drink the milk.

Yuki was the only one in her house.

Come the Milkman's afternoon rounds, a strange lull seems to fall over the area of 751 Partridge Drive as the white-clothed man skips cheerfully on his way.  Nothing explodes, nothing collapses, but it becomes, suddenly, very still.  The wind dies, the air becomes stale, and there is a feeling of ... stagnancy.  The door opens to a quietly smiling Yuki Nagato, and to those who know her, this expression is much more unsettling than a chainsaw held in her hands or bloodstains smeared across the mouth.

She exits, shutting the door softly behind her.  With her travels the eerie sense of stagnancy.  More than that.  With her travels a complete alteration in reality as it is perceived.  The ground underneath her transforms to a featureless, smooth, solid substance; the air around her darkens to a shimmering miasma of infinite space.  Though all houses, structures, and humans remain intact within this world that fans out from about her, the grass collapses into sand, the trees petrify, and the animals spontaneously melt into a viscous sort of goo.]

I-I, ah.  Please... Would you please stand still?  You see... I'd like very much to give you something... if it's not too much trouble.

[Yuki smiles bashfully and opens her cupped hands to show a woolly dandelion.  Slowly, she blows.  And the seeds leave the plant... Each one drifting away, each one gathering speed, fanning out, expanding impossibly, flying through the air with great force as deadly, sharpened thorns.  They impale indiscriminately, cars, houses, and drones alike, smashing through their victims with enough power to pin the bodies to the ground.]

I... I hope you liked it.

[Yuki will smile again and fiddle with her skirt a little bit before continuing on her way, the world continuing to die around her.]

((OoC: Please be aware that Yuki is a living godmode and will likely do major harm to your characters. Her powers are found here. While your character is welcome to escape or merely be injured, it is unlikely that they will be able to harm Yuki significantly with the exception of extremely powerful individuals. The stronger Umineko witches come to mind, as do one or two of the more powerful Touhou characters. That said, Yuki will be killed by flameyedhunter , so her tag will come last chronologically. Replies may come from tenderoblivion.  Thank you.))
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