Jan 04, 2004 01:12
Today's subject of the day is about school children and the cardboard box they carry from house to house. The schools around here find sadistic pleasure with children conning adults out of their entire life's savings. The whole neighborhood slams their doors to the sight of these 3 foot plus angels jumping off their school bus. The earth actually shakes. Why is everyone so afraid you ask? Well, after being victimized enough times I will explain why. Schools around here convince the children that there isn't enough money to go toward education and recreation. The taxes home/land owners are paying isn't enough to provide these children with a trip to Florida their senior year for a week. There isn't enough money for these children to have a senior or junior prom. There isn't enough money for these children to go to the zoo or any other recreational place 10 times per year. The children are brainwashed into miniature used car salesmen. One school pushed a 5lb. bag of gummy bears for selling 25 boxes of chocolate bars. (Once, my friend spent $25 of chocolate bars so his daughter could win a 5lb. bag of gummy bears!) Some schools offer money for the most items sold. For 1 thousand boxes of $15 gift wrap sold, you receive $10 whole dollars! With this kind of encouragement, the kids go out there and sell. To further insult the masses, the school system picks the most horrible of trinkets for these children to peddle. The story I am about to share is real. Please be afraid, this could happen to you.
I was chatting with a friend of mine about children selling goods door to door for school activities. He has two children that bring home flyers or cardboard boxes once a month. That is two sales pitches per month in that household. One of the sales flyers the oldest daughter brought home to sell consisted of food products. There were frozen pizzas selling for $20 for two, a rack made of balsam wood with 4 cheap spices for $15, two buckets of cookie dough for $20, and a crappy pizza cutting wheel for $10. The cheapest item on the flyer was the pizza wheel. There were other food items but I can't remember off hand. (Yes, someone from her class came to my house.) My friend supports his children and encourages their school spirit. He takes the items into work and pawns them off on childless couples "who have the money to spend". He couldn't sell many items from that flyer due to prices. Everyone turned him down. He didn't wish to disappoint his daughter so he bought a couple of hundred dollars worth of food products to boost her sales record. One of the items he purchased was the cookie dough. Two tubs of cookie dough, 1 sugar cookie and one chocolate chip, as the container and flyer described. What he received was 16 ozs. of C-4 (plastic explosive), each at 10 dollars a pop. His wife a week later decided to make said cookies for the family. The dough was rock hard. What the scooped out landed like frozen ice cubes on the baking tray. When baked, they stayed in the chunk form and browned a bit. When eaten, tasted like lead once you chipped off a piece. My friend said it reminded him of granite. He also gave his review of the pizza, boxed version by Chef Boy Arde(?) tasted better then the school product. Pizza Hut delivers cheaper than these school bought items and is edible.
These children come home selling all kinds of interesting items. Sometimes they are loaded with candles, candy, or wrapping paper. Prices range from buy a candy bar or purchase a new car. Not only does a new parent have to set a side money for a college fund but also put a side money for school sales. The cost of a child has just tripled. Not only can a new parent have difficulties affording their child but the neighborhood isn't able to either. I have at least 12 different children a month hitting me up for money. This isn't including the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. I love Girl Scout cookies but at 5 bucks a box, I am limited in what I can buy. I don't eat that many cookies and I know how and do bake cookies. I try to buy a box from each kid. This can run a bit expensive. These girls know to not travel in gangs but to hit the houses individually. They are taught to cry at the slightest hint of no. They are taught to smile real big for the sight of a wallet or purse. We are all suckers to these angelic faces taught in the fine art of highway robbery. So, if one of these cherubs is seen with a large sheet of paper in their hand or a cardboard box, slam the door. Hide. Don't answer the phone and keep real still until dark. It is the only way to stay safe and keep your life savings secure! Good Luck, these angels know how to get to you..................